Unexpected Reason

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  "I don't want to be team up with _______." said Sanji. "She's useless."
"H-How dare you to say like that?!" Nami grunted, she doesn't like his words.
"No, it's okay Nami." you try to calm her down. "I-It's okay if he doesn't want to be team up with me."
"See, she just accept it that she's useless." Sanji continue his word.
"You're too harsh." said Zoro. "She's your girlfriend, yet you.. nah, never mind. If you don't want to be teamed up with her, then i'll do."
You surprise heard his word and then you said,
"I-It's okay, you don't need to force yourself to teamed up with me."
"I don't even force myself, _______." he said, tousled your hair.
"Come." he continue, pulls your hand and leave them.

Meanwhile, Sanji and the rest..
"I know you don't mean to say like that." said Nami.
"She's gonna hate me now." said Sanji, curled up on the corner.
"She won't." said Robin. "She isn't the type like that. But.. what makes you don't want to be teamed up with her? It's just unusual for you."
"He can't even control himself when he got his time with ________, only the two of them."
"Oh, i get it now. So that's why you insult her."
"But it's not on my purpose, that lazy bumps will volunteered himself to team up with ________."
"Well, should i tell him why?" ask Nami.
"You know the reason, Nami-chan?"
"Well of course i do. Robin too. She knew it as well as me."
"The reason is........"

Sanji run off, leaving the ship.. just to seeking you and Zoro, who teamed up to buy some supplies.
'They should be not so far from here.' he speaks up on his mind. 'Crap, i hope he doesn't do anything to her.'
Just in time, he found you and him. He's out of breath and at the same time, you notice his presence. You waving your hand to him, even though you know he's going to scold you about how useless you're.
"Are you okay?" he ask, cupped your cheek when he approaches you.
"Y-Yeah, i'm fine." you reply, don't expect he would ask you about it.
"Did he do anything to you?"
"Of course no."
"You better don't do anything to her." said Sanji, threatening him.
"Back to yourself, huh?" Zoro ask.
"What do you mean?!"
"I don't mean anything. Anyway, take this huge stuff. I'm going back to the ship first."
After that, he leaves you alone with him.
"What makes you come here?" you ask. "You told me you don't want to teamed up with me, because i'm useless."
"Well of course you do. But it's not my purpose that lazy bumps will volunteered himself. It suppose to be Usopp, Nami or Robin."
"Oh come on, those girls won't and never going to do this stuff except me."
"I guess you're right." he admits it. "You're different from them."
"Now tell me, what makes you come here? You should be on the ship, preparing the lunch for us."
"Of course i'm worried about you. Since Robin and Nami refuse to tell the truth behind what's going on between you and Zoro."
You chuckled and said,
"There's nothing between us."
"But it looks like Zoro had crush on you."
"Why you laugh? It's true right?"
You shake your head, can't stop laughing.
"Hey, tell me." he pouted, pinches your cheek.
"Ouch." you cried.
"Tell me." he reply, still pinching your cheek.
"Okay, okay." you surrender and finally stop laughing. "There's no way Zoro had crush on me.  We're sibling, i mean, he's my brother."

"I-I don't believe it.. that lazy bumps and you are... ARGH~"
You chuckled seeing him like that. However, he notices it and said, "It's not funny you know. Are you going to make me sad, before i found out that actually you two are sibling?"
"Well, of course not. But you already know the truth, right?"
"Well... yes."
After that you two fell silent. He's glancing at you and you notice it. You ask him why, and he said,
"I'm sorry.. i said you're useless."
"Well, it's true i'm useless." you admit. "So, you don't need to apologize."
"Well, actually you aren't that useless. But, it's only my excuse so i don't need to be teamed up with you, to buy those supplies."
"Are you going to tell me, that you are still unable to control yourself whenever we are alone?"
"Well, it's true. I can't control myself, i mean, i'm crazy about you."
"I do crazy about you too, Sanji."
"Does that mean, you unable to control yourself when i'm near you?"
You nod and then your face gone to red so sudden. He notices it and then he tilts up your face, to steal a kiss from you.

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