I do

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  "Sanji." you call him, take his cigarette and continue. "You're a cook and you aren't suppose to smoke."
"Tch, gimme back my cigarette, ________."
"No." you object and put it on your mouth. You suck it, while he told you to not. Too late, you already suck it but you cough, because you are not used to. He grunted and snatch the cigar from your mouth. He drops it on the floor and step it, then he grabs your face and kiss you suddenly. You jolted, widen your eyes, but you aren't opposed when he did that to you. A moment later, he broke the kiss and yelled.
"I told you to not suck it, ________!"
"S-Sorry." you cried.
"Just get the fuck out from here." he shooed you off. You pouted, puffed your cheek and slamming the door when you leave the kitchen.
Extended kitchen scene
'That girl.' he speak up on his mind, while scratching his head. 'Even though she's three years older than me, her demeanor still like a brat.'
"Guess i must apologize to her." he mumble, start to lit up his cigarette.

You left the kitchen, feel so pissed and bumped up with Usopp which you don't even know he was there. He's tumbling while you fell over him.
"Ouch." you cried, but it doesn't hurt. Immediately you get up and realize, he's covering you from hurt.
"Ah, um, s-sorry." you apologize to him and help him to get up too.
"Its fine." he said, grinning. "At least, you aren't hurt."
"Thanks." you thanked him and give him a light kiss on his long nose. You chuckled, when you notice his face gone to red after you did so. "You're such a funny person, Usopp."
"Hehe, thanks."
Suddenly, you heard someone slamming the door and it's coming from the kitchen.
"What happen?" ask Usopp.
"Dunno." you reply. "Anyway, don't mind whoever is it, let's have a talk."
"Yeah." he nods.
He brings you to Usopp factory, which he used to make some new invention.
"What are we going to talk?" he ask.
"How about what you got recently?"
"Sounds great." he continue and then start to talking about his new invention. Half an hour been past and suddenly Chopper barging in. You and Usopp look at him, then ask what happen.
"Sanji hurt himself."
"And he needs someone to tend his wound."
"But you can do it, Chopper."
"I do want to." he said but then his expression change to sad. "But he told me, he doesn't want anybody but you."
'That boy.' you grunted on your mind.
"Okay." you grunted. "I'll tend his wound."
"Please do." said Chopper.
"Sorry, Usopp." you apologize to him. "Let's have some fun, next time." after that you leave him and Chopper there. You go to the infirmary and going inside. Inside the infirmary, you see him, Sanji were sitting on the edge of bed, while smoking his cigar like usual. But, no, he's using his left hand.
'So, he hurts his right hand, huh?' you grunted on your mind. You approach him and immediately snatch his cigar, then continue.
"I told you, you are a cook and you aren't suppose to smoke."
"Tch." he grunted but he doesn't talk you back. Instead of that, you notice his right hand were injured. You take some bandage and bottle from shelves and then sit on the chair, which you positioning right in front of him. You take his right hand and start to tend his wound. It doesn't take a long time for you to tend his wound.
"Its done." you said and then stand up, going to put back the bandages. But he stops you, embrace your waist by his right hand and pulls you closer to him. He rest his head on your abdomen, while his left hand grope your butt. You yelp but surrender a few sec after.
"What's your intention?" you ask, put both of your hand on each of his shoulder.
"I have no intention, but you." he murmurs.
"Hey, Sanji." you call him. "It's ticklish, just lemme go."
"No." he object. "I don't want to let you go or else, you'll leave and go to Usopp places."
"So, you saw that?"
"I do."
"Lemme go."
"No, i don't want to."
"Lemme go, Sanji. I won't go anywhere, i promise." heard you said so, he release you and immediately you sit between his legs without asking, because y'know he'll allow you to do that.
"So, you're jealous, huh?"
"Of course, i do." he reply, wrapped his arm around your waist while he buried his face on your crook.
"Poor Sanji." you patted his head.
"I promise, i'll stop smoking but please don't leave me."
"I won't leave you, Sanji. Even though, i know you can't quit smoking."
"Really?" he ask, tilts up his face and then look at you.
"Yep." you reply and look at him too. "Would you gimme a kiss?"
"Of course i do." then he sealed your lips with a long passionate kiss.

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