Chapter 46

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Breathe, I told myself as I hopped into my flowy pink dress. Relax, I repeated as I slipped on my flats. I then sat down in front of my vanity mirror as my stylist Gusto, applied my make-up and finished up my hair.

"You look magnifica! Bella!" he continously complimented myself and his work. "Amazing! He is going to you say? Horny! No?"

I laughed. Gusto was French and was still gettng the hang of the English slang. I had only met him once a long time ago in Hogsmeade when Draco took me to get my make-over but we've been inseperable, especially when I needed my make-up done. 

"No Gusto! Not horny, excited." I explained in a matter of fact tone and he just shurgged.

"Horny, excited, I honestly do not see the different. Regardless he will love it!" I nodded with a head shake. Then I sighed. Gusto noticed my anxiety.

"Oh honey, do not fret for everyone will love it." 

I sighed again, "But..."

"Spit it out."

I groaned and walked over to the full length mirror. "I'm FAT!" I yelled. And surprisingly enough, he double over in laughter. "Gee thanks Gusto! A real confidence booster!"

"Oh my lovely Alice. But of course, you're are fat! Darling you're more than eight months pregnant and due any day now."

"I know but can't I drink a potion a just like I did during my honeymoon. Draco and I had so much fun," I blushed at his knowing look. "Not like that, I mean we did a lot of recreational activities."

Gusto smirked, "Is that what they are calling it these days?" I rolled my eyes. "Answer me this, on a scale from one to ten, how good is he?"


"What? It's a simple question," he shurgged.

I sighed. "Honestly? He's beyond ten Gusto you would not believe how many soft spots are on my body. I never knew I was so...sensitive," I went crimson red as he chuckled. "He's really great..." I trailed off. "But look at me! Draco's been away on business for the past three months. He promised to make it back in time for my baby shower, which is today. Oh Merlin! He's going to be disgusted with me," I pouted.

"Oh honey, you know dam well that, that boy loves you. He could care less about how you look. He shall always want you," he paused seemingly thoughtful. "Even if you do look like an over inflated balloon."

My mouth hung open and I huffed indignantly, "Gusto!"

He chuckled, "I couldn't help myself. You are much too gullible." He looked down at his watch. "It's time." I paled and he smiled softly at me. "Trust me, it'll be fine." I nodded with a deep breath and wrapped my arms around my big belly. 

Gusto soon lead me out of the room and when I heard him announce my arrival. I took another deep breath and began my journey down the steps. I kept my eyes down in fear of their horrified expressions and when I heard a few gasp I held back tears. I knew this was a bad idea, I thought sadly.

Finally making it down the steps I found my courage and looked up. Shockingly enough, no one's face showed disgust, they just stared at me fondly.

"ALICE!" A group of girls squealed and I turned to my right to see my group of friends running towards me. I suppressed an eye roll. They all saw me a month ago.

Pansy was the first to tackled me into a hug. "You're so big!" She began and my smile lessened though none of them noticed.

"Wow, look at that huge belly!" Daphne inputted.

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