The 2nd mystery

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Hello readers,

So this is chapter 2! Grunkle Ford's POV *_^





Great Uncle Ford's POV

"Ugh, where in the world?" I said as I stood up from where I was.

It's some sort of dimension that has 3 suns. I'm actually normal with this. Even though it's just been one year, it's all so familiar to me.

Wait, what about everyone? Where are they? I hope they're safe and sound..

"So, enjoying yourself, Pines? I can make this your permanent home."

Oh great. It's that nacho again. Whoah, who new I would say something like that. Guess Stan is a huge influence after all.

But anyway, I have something against Bill right now.

"I just want my journal back, Bill. That's it."

"You had to run and jump into this dimension outside the universe you live in, just to get this journal? Haha, who new you were persistent like, Pine tree."

Pine tree? Is that Dipper because of the hat?

"Tell me, why do you want this journal so badly? Ah, so you can beat me and get this over with, am I right?" I stiffened at his theory. He's right. Everything he said, is right.

I just want him gone because I don't want anyone getting hurt.

"Look can we just work this out? I mean we did before? Even though I didn't even know what you were doing when you disappear at night."

"I never told you that, huh? Well, I secretly escape because I enhance my powers with that portal. It's my power, my strength, and just a puzzle piece for my plan." So that's what he does at night.

"But, because of you and that family you got there, it's all ruined! Good thing I planned revenge. Oops! Guess I spilled the beans." Bill sarcastically said.

"What revenge?" I challenged him. I scrunched my brows upon asking him.

"I'm going to take everything you have." He said. Seriously? That's what he can think of?

"Please, I've seen hundreds of movies like that, even before I went in the portal. You've done better, Bill." I boringly stated. It's like the least thing that I expect him to do.

"Least expected... Well, what if I say that what you were expecting a while ago is different from what I was originally planning?" He said playfully. He's like intimidating me.

"What are you playing at?" I played along.

"Of course I know that it would be dreadful to you if I destroy your whole family, so I thought maybe do that. But there was only one problem with that plan. You're too smart. You can, well I don't know, read a book about moving on and not being despressed about what happened. So I thought of an even better plan to go with it." Wow, he's actually right. I'd do that. But still it would be really sad if they-- no, that will never happen. I won't allow it.

How can I even get out of this place? If I wnt everybody safe I need to get out of here. Not just sit down and wait for what, Prince Charming?

I need to get out of here!

"But of course I won't allow you to interfere with my plan. So anyway, here's my plan. Oh, but before I start," Before Bill could continue he put ropes all over me and even tied a knot.

Great. Guess he read my mind that I wanted to escape. New plan, new plan..

"As I was saying, my plan is split into 3 equal parts. First one, is to destroy you, oh how about your brain instead? Hmmm.. I'll think about that. Anyway moving on--" I don't have time for this! Him wanting to destroy my mind is enough.

I'm sure he's not just seeking revenge on me but also everyone. Not to mention, Dipper. He's been talking about him, especially when Dipper was the one who planned the whole thing on beating Bill before. He was gone for good, until now.

I looked around and saw a sharp hook attached to a wall nearby. This place is weird. Never been here before. It's like I'm in a dark alley but there's no ground.

As Bill was narrating his plan or whatever, I was smart enought to slowly sneak away and head towards the sharp hook.

I put the rope over the hook and walked foward. The rope was still attached so when I move forward, it'll be cut.

And as I planned, it worked. Now all I have to do is sneak in and get the journal.

I ran but stopped at a safe distance and tiptoed towards the book.

"--And after that, I'll finally have power over-- hey!" Bill said as he turned around.

I immediately grabbed the journal and flipped pages.

"C'mon, c'mon. There's gotta be something!" I said while running and panting.

"Come back here, Pines!" Bill warned me. But I paid no attention to what he said.

Then finally, I flipped a page where I wrote a spell. A spell that lets you activate portals, dimensions and many others.

I began reciting the chant.

"Dimenciano, returnando, galactus, multiverse!" And with that chant, it's like the sun just showed up in front of me.

Galaxies, dimensions, universes, and wormholes that are billions of light years away can be entered just because of this chant.

"Okay take me to Dimension 1. Quick!" I panickly shouted.

I looked back only to see Bill gone. What?

I heard him like a second ago..

I looked back and jumped into the portal. But I bumped into something or someone first.






Sorry for a short chapter. Well 1/2 short chapter. This is really all about Grunkle Ford and Bill. Hehe next will be.......

Will post maybe tomorrow.

Good day!

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