The 3rd mystery

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Hello again readers,

So this is chapter 3. Hope you like it ^-*





Dipper's POV

"Ow! What the-- Great Uncle Ford!?" I said as I bumped into someone. I think it's Great Uncle Ford.

"Dipper? Mabel? Stan!" Grunkle Ford said. He was pretty glad seing Stan.

"Stanford!" Grunkle Stan felt the same.

We're still in this portal thingy that's supposed to lead all of us to Dimension 101. But looks like Great Uncle Ford found a way to get back.

Smart as always.

"Ahaha, ahahaha!"

I know that laugh... Bill!

"You really think that I'd let you off the hook that easily, Pines? And look, double jackpot! Everyone is here. Like I planned! Of course, I am a dream demon. I can read minds. So if I was in your shoes before, I would've kept my mind shut. Haha that makes no sense and a lot of sense at the same time."

"Bill just stop! Just accept the fact that you lost okay? Just return to your dimension and get lost. We won't even bother summoning you ever again!" I said. I know it sounds super deperate but what choice do I have? I'm tired with Bill's madness!

"I'm tired of your madness too, Dipper." Right, he reads minds. Wait. But since when does he read minds, huh?

"Since when do you read minds, Bill?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Of course as a powerful being, I can get even powerful! My dimension is filled with weirdness, I may add."

Grunkle Ford was about to say something when suddenly we were at the of the portal and light from the other end emitted.

"Brace yoursleves!" Bill warned. And then he disappered.

"I've always hated that triangle!" Mabel screamed.

"Me tooo!!" Grunkle Stan added before we were plunged into star-like light.


"Hmm. O-ouch.." I muttered under my breath. My head hurts so badly. I looked up and searched for Mabel. I couldn't see her so I decided to call her.

"Mabel. Mabel! Hello? Grunkle Stan? Great Uncle Ford?" Where is everyone? Wait, where the heck am I?

There's this fog.. Maybe it's because of traveling inside the portal.

The fog slowly cleared up. I saw a bed, no two beds. That were broken.

Then I realized I was in a bedroom with a triangular window and-- wait, this is the shack! I'm back? But where are the others?

"Hello? Dipper! Is anyone in here!?" I heard a voice from downstairs. I think it's Mabel.

I went out the room and was about to go downstairs but the stairs are also broken. Some stair steps were missing and dangling from the stairs.

I made my way down with caution. I slid my foot at the last step.

"Ow!" I said in pain. But it did go away quickly.

"Dipper? Is that you?" Mabel asked.

"Mabel? Yeah it's me. Where are you?" I answered back. I walked to the living room. There was a sofa but no TV.

"Mabel?" I called her out again. She wasn't answering. "Mabel? Mabel!! Mabel, where are you?" I started panicking. But I panicked even more when I heard noise from the kitchen.

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