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So there will be a quick author's note after this. This takes place 2 days after that day when Bill woke up and well you guys know the rest.

WARNING: This will be short..





Dipper's POV

9:00 PM

"Hey, Mabel?" I called her out. "Yeah?" She answered back. "Did you ever wonder where Tad is right now and what he's planning?" I asked her while waiting for the new episode of Ghost Harassers. Jeez! too many commercials.

"Well, I admit, I did wonder but Grunkle Ford said to relax so I immediately forgot about that. Just try to think of something else." She said then continued to play with Waddles.

I thought about what Mabel said then just on time, Ghost Harassers aired. I dismissed the other thought then turned up the volume.

"Today on Ghost Harassers, we explore in an abandon mansion, where 10,000 soldiers died in an unknown war. Many say it's haunted. Now we're going to uncover the truth!" The host of the show said. I laid back on the couch and already forgot me and Mabel's topic earlier.

Ford's POV (It's been a while...)

"Do you really think he's gone?" Stanley asked me. We were in the dining area opening cans of Pitt Cola. "Look, I believe that Tad escaped and is ploting revenge. We never know when.. But all I know is that he can come back anytime and do whatever pleases him. We have to keep our eyes peeled." I told him then drank my first sip.

"Like what you said, pal. Rest. That's what we should be doin' right now. Cheers?" He raised his can then waited for me to do the same.

"Cheers." We clinked our cans then drinked them with me having 3 gulps and Stan with 1. That could be hazardous to his health.

"*coughs* Let's get some sleep, old man." He yawned, scratched his back then went to his room. I wasn't sleepy. I came across the living room and saw a show on the television called Ghost Harassers. Dipper was watching it while Mabel, was... being Mabel.

I approached Dipper then asked him something. "Mind if I join you? Looks interesting." I said. It's kinda nice actually. I removed Dipper from the couch and sat down. He sat on my lap then we were both watching quietly now.

Mabel joined along when she felt sleepy.

We soon slept on the living room with the TV still on but it's making this noise when it hits night. I think?

Soon everyone in the shack slept then called it a day.

Author's POV

"Finally relieved for a moment, Stanford? Well, enjoy it while it lasts.. because one day, you'll regret the day you went against me" Tad said while looking into his crystal ball like figure.

It had a picture of Grunkle Stan sleeping, Soos and Grunkle Ford with the kids.

He rubbed his hands together like he was preparing something. And he was.

"I'll have power one day, Pines. Enough power to make you all bow to me. As your ruler. But I need those journals you had which are mine now. And that Dipper to make him read it. I can't read invisible inked words. It's invisible! And probably to torture him and prove who's boss. So I just have to move my pawns in place..." He said then evil laughed like what Bill used to do.

"Ahahaha! Ahhahahha!!"






Tad will return I repeat, HE WILL RETURN!

Wait for my author's note to see when I'll update a chapter. This will be my last update (for the chapters). So this is goodbye to TD and hello to new book! 'The Rise of Tad Strange'. Make sure to read the A/N to know if the first chapter is up! Thanks!

Good day and goodbye!

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