The 10th mystery

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Hello again!

Here's the 10th chapter!

Hope ya like it!





Ford's POV

I pity Mabel. She's crying right now. One minute Dipper was there then suddenly, poof! Bipper takes over.

"We'll settle this another time, Pines!" Bipper wickedly said then did his siganture evil laugh. He opened a portal then went inside.

"We need to catch up!" Stan said but I think that's enough for the day.

"I think we should go home." I suggested then gestured at Mabel.

Stan sighed, looked at the closing portal then followed me.

I carried Mabel on my back then I made Soos recite the chant for me.

"Dimenciano, returnando, galactus, multiverse!"

"Dude, I did it!" Soos proudly said.

"Yes you did now let's get back to the shack. Toursists may be waiting!" Stan said excitedly.

"Stan, to Dimension 1." I told him. He quickly reacted. That's the first.

"Oh right. Uh, bring us to Dimension 1 or whatever." Then the portal appeared. We all jumped in.

"You okay up there?" I asked her.

-no response-

"Mabel, I can't look at you right now you have to answer me." I spoke once more.

-no response-

"Mabel? MABEL!? Are you okay? Mab-- oh.." I worried as I got her off my back. I looked at her and then found out that she was actually asleep.

I put her on my back again. She buried her face in my hair.

"I'm trying to sleep." She muttered.

"Sorry." Boy that was embarrassing.

I looked at Stan and Soos who were now laughing inwardly.

"C'mon let it out." I said in a deadpan tone.

They were chortling then suddenly let out a laugh.

"He was all like, 'Mabel? Are you okayyyyyy????" Soos imitated me.

"Wow, that's a very impressive imitation." Not! I said in another deadpan tone.

"Are you done? Cause Mabel's sleeping." I informed them.

They immediately stopped.

"Hey Mabel wanna sleep on my back? I think Ford's getting a little old. Hahaha!" Stan joked.

I glared at him. To my surpsrise Mabel answered.

"No thanks, Grunkle Stan. Great Uncle Ford's hair is like a pillow. Thanks anyway." She muttered once more then went back to putting her face on my hair then slept again.

I gave him a bragging look.

"At least she likes my hair." I bragged.

"Alright. Fine. You win." Stan rolled his eyes then crossed his arms.

I laughed then Mabel silenced me. We all remained quiet.

We reached the end of the portal then appeared in the Mystery Shack. We waited the fog to slowly fade away.

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