The 8th mystery

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So, Dipper possessed? What's left to uncover?


I'll spoil a little detail. Just so everyone knows what Bill's intention are. I'm not gonna make a POV of Bill for a while..

Do not read if you don't want to....

Dipper will fight for his freedom of being himself again, but Bill will force himself to take over Dipper's body before he takes revenge.

Bill will learn how to contain Dipper before he strikes again. And in the end he'll destroy...

Too much spoiling... I'll tell you guys what he's gonna destroy in the future chapters..





Ford's POV

I'm panting.. I continue running away from him.

He's gone mad! He put everyone in danger! Even his own sister! This is all Bill's doing..

"Dipper you used to be brave and kind. You're better than this!" I shouted at him.

"Dipper? Hahaha! I'm not Dipper anymore.. the name's Bipper.." Bipper said then laughed.

"Why are you doing this, Bill? Why?" I screamed then stopped running and fell to the ground. I weakened. Then Bipper threw a boulder at me then...

"Ahhh! DIPPER!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I-It was just a dream.. good.

"Wha? I-I'm still not done here? Geez." I said while rubbing my eyes. I was still in the basement. I fell asleep on the chair next to my desk.

I looked at my machine and decided to test it.

I ripped a page from my journal that showed how to summon you know who.

I crumpled that paper then picked up my machine.

It looked more like a blaster that had the power to suck in objects and transfer it to another dimension. And it can also shrink in size. As small as your average wallet.

I pressed the button to make it bigger then pulled the trigger. It sucked in the paper. I set the dimension that I want it to disapper to. I pressed letters and numbers and chose Dimension 99.

A bit close to Bill's but he is forbidden there. Because next to that dimension is also the dimension of the Time Baby.

In a flash, the paper disappeared.

"It worked!" I happily said then raised my hands up in the air. "And ow, my back hurts." I added then bended my back.

I put on my coat then put the now shrinked machine in my pocket.

I went upstairs to finally have some sunlight in my eyes. I exited the vending machine. The usual. Stan showing tourists around. Soos fixing something.

But Mabel's no where to be found. I decided to go to the attic.

I knocked on the door first. "Mabel? Are you awake?" I knocked again and she finally replied.

"Come in." She replied. I opened the door and she was just playing with her dolls.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked.

"Good really. Just resting enough so when we're gonna save Dipper, I'll have enough energy!" She said happily and confident. Thank goodness she's alright now.

Traveling Dimensions [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora