Are you smarter than a....

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I spent my undergrad years at NYU (New York University). Go Bobcats! I proudly called Greenwich Village, "The Village", my home for those years. Almost every morning I went to Palladium Gym, then over to Kimmel Center for a quick bite before class, and then down to 7 East 12th Street or Silver Center for classes. Afterwards I would normally head back to Kimmel Center to hangout or I would go to Skirball Center for rehearsal for a play I was in.

During my final semester as an undergrad, I took an advanced philosophy course. My professor was Dr. Melissa Reyes, a fiery Hennessy coloured Dominican woman with tight curly hair and a personality as beautiful as her. We constantly went back and forth and debated many topics. I looked forward to her class twice a week. Everyone knew when I showed up to have the popcorn ready because I was going to put on a show. We always showed each other much respect though and never took anything personal. Not even our snarky remarks. I was very comfortable with Dr. Reyes,who was only a couple of years older than me. She started her career very young and accomplished so much. I loved her drive and energy. She really cared about her students, which was a delightful change. I would often stay after and we would have long talks about life, social and economic problems, religion, and anything else that came across our minds. We would stroll and go for coffee as well. Once and a while we would have dinner together. We genuinely enjoyed each others company.

Once the semester ended, spring was in full effect and I was prepared for graduation. I walked across that stage and became a free educated man....a man with the ability to change the world! I was greeted by my family and Melissa; I could call her by her name now since she was no longer my professor.

"Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you!!" Melissa said to me with a bold beautiful smile that I had grown accustom to.

We hugged and she kissed me on the cheek....her lips were extremely close. She handed me an envelope. When I tore it open a card came out with two plane tickets hanging out of it.

"I want to take you to Greece for a week. Come with me and lets celebrate!" Melissa said.

I was teary eyed as I exclaimed: "Yes!"

Please Visit my website for the rest of this story. Thank you!!

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