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Laser arrays and LED lights bounce off of my shades as I stand on my couch in VIP. Three bottle girls make their way through the crowd carrying a half-dozen bottles. The bottle sparklers lit their path as the security guided them to my section. My Godfather's friends really know how to party....VIP in Greystone with endless waiting...why didn't I come to Los Angeles sooner?! There was eight of us and we already killed a half-dozen bottles. I don't know how much more I could handle.

I left VIP to head to the bathroom. I stumbled towards the bathroom door when I bumped into a pretty young thing. I lowered my head and looked over my shades at her. She looked offended at first, but then she smiled at me. Nevertheless, she kept walking.

When I came back to VIP, she was sitting in the VIP next to mine. Fate was working its magic in my favor; I approached her.

"You look bored! Come over when you're ready to have a good time", I said in her ear. Then walked away cocky as ever.

After watching my new friends and I continue to party hard, she decided to join in. We danced and drank some more, as we exchanged passionate looks of lust.

Please Visit my website for the rest of this story. Thank you!!

Pleasure: Invitation (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz