Chapter 7: Enlisted

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Chapter 7: Enlisted

          Your mind was hazy, and everything seemed to be spinning. You couldn't quite grasp the situation that was at hand, and your body felt like mush. You fought to regain even the slightest bit of consciousness, but your efforts were futile as your eyes remained closed, and all you continued to see was the endless void present before you. Suddenly, whispers could be heard from all around, their voices becoming louder until they became deafening. 

          "You are alone." they spat, the words ringing in your ears. 

          Desperately, you looked for the source of the voices, but you were only met with pitch black. You tried to cover your ears, but it was as if you were restrained, and your body was stiff. "It's not true..." you said to yourself, repeating it over and over in an attempt to block out the voices, but they continued to speak. They spoke of your fears, your flaws, and your mistakes, from the time you were abandoned to where you are now. 

          "No one wants you. No one will ever want you. Your family left you to die, you were abandoned by those in the Underground-" 

          "No!" you screamed. "They were captured, they wouldn't have left me!"
         "A life in the surface was what they had always yearned for—not a child. You were nothing but a burden. You will always be a burden."


          "You are weak, and you will forever be alone."

          "Stop.." you whispered weakly, your voice beginning to falter. 

          "And look where you are now. Back where you started. Why don't you give in? Just sleep..."
          You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as the words sank in. You felt the pain, the anger, the anguish that you have bottled up for years, and for once, you truly believed you were worthless. "Just sleep..." You felt yourself drifting off, giving in to the voices, when suddenly, a new voice began to speak.

          "Wake up, (name)." it said softly. The voice was feminine and familiar, but you couldn't quite grasp who it belonged to just yet. Your mind was released from any form of drowsiness as you tried to identify the speaker, but as soon as it was, the melodic voice began to be muffled by the venomous ones, fighting for control. 

          "Frail. Unwanted. Voiceless! Alone. Escape this reality. Sleep." their words began to echo once again, suffocating you. You knew very well that the second time you succumb to sleep, you make never wake. 

          "Wake up, (name)." the familiar voice repeated, more firmly this time. "Wake up and see. Wake up and live. One is only alone if they let themselves be, dear daughter."

          Upon hearing the last word, you could feel your body jolt, as if you were suddenly hit by lightning. "Mom..." you murmured, finally recognizing the soft voice. You let her words soothe you, knowing this will be the last time you would be able to hear them. Light began to fill your vision, and for just a moment, you were able to catch a glimpse of the woman who had taken the role of your mother for all this time, smiling down at you one final time before disappearing into the gleam.

          Soon, the blinding light began to fade, and you stiffened in shock at the scene playing out before you. At full speed, destroying everything in its path, was a titan running straight towards you, with no visible attempt of stopping anytime soon. You tried to move away, but your movements were sluggish, causing you to trip over your own feet. It was only at that moment when you realized how misshapen you seemed to be as you struggled back up, now fully aware of your huge, muscular build as you put your hands in front of your face as you examined yourself coming to terms with the horrifying truth. a titan...a monster..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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