Chapter 6: Lightning

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I put a song reference in this chapter from one of my favorite bands c: 

See if you can spot it! X3 

Warning: Spoilers from here on out


Year 845: Age 10


         It has been exactly one year since you had ended up in Shiganshina, but not one day went by where you didn’t wonder about the golden-eyed boy who had saved you. At times you wondered how he was doing, or if he ever thought about you at all. Not a day went by where you didn’t think about him, wondering if fate would somehow let you see him again, even just for a moment.

          You were the first one awake, as usual, and it was usually in this time of day where you pondered about your life the most. You closed your eyes, trying to get yourself to sleep. You always knew you were an insomniac; sleep was hard to get, and you tried your best to get as much as you could, even if it was only for a few hours.

          Your (e/c) eyes slowly started to close, but instead of sleep, you found yourself remembering one of your darkest memories.

          “Look, (name)! The Heroes are back!” you heard Eren yell as he practically dragged you across the marketplace, desperately climbing on top of boxes of fruit to get a better view.

          “Mikasa will be worried!” you told him, trying to remove yourself from his grip.

          “Don’t worry, she’ll know we’re here.” He smiled, squeezing your hand for reassurance.

          You were reluctant, but decided to go along with it. You knew there was no stopping Eren when he was this eccentric.

          You watched as the Commander led the Survey Corps through the Gate and into the streets, (e/c) eyes darting from one person to the other in search of your family, but you found not a trace. You grew anxious, your palms becoming sweaty as you continued your search, but to no avail. Eren seemed to have sensed your unease, for he volunteered for the two of you to go look at them another time, but your mind was set. You watched every single Survey Corps member walk past, until only one was left. His raven hair was still dripping wet from the rain, his green hood splattered with blood. His eyes were a darker shade than that of their usual color, his expression more stoic than ever. He walked past the crowd, not bothering to look anywhere but forward. Something about him had changed completely, you could see it from the way he walked, the way his eyes seemed to have lost their usual light, the way he presented himself. From that moment on, you knew that everything had changed.

          Tears began to fall uncontrollably from your eyes, your hand covering your mouth to try to suppress your sobs. You let go of Eren’s hand and jumped down from the boxes you were standing on, letting yourself sit down in front of a wall, your back pressed against it, trying to digest the new found information.

          Isabel and Furlan were dead, and Levi was nothing more than a walking corpse. You had never felt more alone in your life.

          Eren’s words of comfort didn’t seem to reach your ears, and your memory slowly started to turn into more of a nightmare. 

          You started to breathe heavily, rocking back and forth, succumbing to the darkness that wanted to consume you. Your world had turned pitch black, memories of the Thug Trio haunting you. At first, their smiling faces seemed to console your already grief-stricken heart, but the feeling did not last. As if their faces were made of wax, their skin and features began to melt, the color soon turning blood red. You screamed, trying to run away from the horrific scene before you, but you were only pulled deeper into the dark abyss.

(SnK) Nobody Will Break You: A Jean x Reader and EreRi fanficWhere stories live. Discover now