Special Chapter: Blue Christmas (AU)

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A/N: Hey, Guys! Just thought I'd write a little something for the Holidays. Please take note that this is an AU setting, and has no part in the actual story.

Also, this is for a girl named Andrea, who so happens to be the one I got on a Secret Santa I participated in, so if you're reading this, I hope you like it! 

Warning: Depending on the person, this may have major feels. 



(Memories) Age: 8

(Current time) Age: 15

          “Sorry, sir!” you smiled innocently as you ‘bumped’ into him. He ruffled your messy, (h/c) hair, telling you it was alright before straightening his blazer and wishing you a Merry Christmas.

          As soon as he was out of sight, you let out a smirk, tossing his wallet in the air before putting it back inside your coat pocket, whistling triumphantly. With your polished black shoes, wool hat, gray dress, and wool coat, no one would have suspected you to be a thief at all. You knew that by finding ways to stay clean, people would just think you were another girl on the street.

          You continued walking down the snowy streets, rubbing your hands together for warmth, your breath coming out in small white puffs. That was when you saw them, just a few feet ahead of you, walking out of a shop, walking towards your direction while carrying at least a dozen shopping bags.

          One appeared to be an eccentric redhead, who wouldn’t stop babbling away to the small, stoic man beside her, his raven hair filled with snowflakes, which seemed to irritate him for some reason. Next to him was a tall man who wore an amused smile on his face, his pale brown hair sweeping just a bit over his bright blue eyes. To you, they were the perfect target; the typical Christmas celebrants.

          You casually strode over to them, knowing that the red head would be the one who would suspect you the least. You hummed quietly to yourself, looking away while making sure you could still spot them through your peripheral vision. You casually bumped into her, swiftly reaching into her back pocket and retrieving her wallet as you did so; this was nothing but a game to you.

          “Sorry!” you exclaimed, feigning an apologetic look.

          “It’s alright, kid! Merry Christmas!” she replied, grinning, her eyes shining so genuinely that you almost felt bad for stealing her wallet, but being a thief since as long as you could remember, you learned to push those feelings back when you needed to.

          Thinking you had won, you began walking away, putting her wallet with the others inside your coat. Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your shoulder and spin you around, and your (e/c) eyes were met with cold gray ones, flecked with a bit of blue, which only added more hostility to his glare.

          “Oi…” he said coolly, his breath hitting your face. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing with her wallet?”

          “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You responded firmly. You had never been caught in your life, and you weren’t about to start now.

          “Don’t lie to me, you brat.” He spat, reaching straight into your coat pocket and getting the wallet.

          “H-how..” you whispered. You were pretty sure there was no way he would have been able to see you.

(SnK) Nobody Will Break You: A Jean x Reader and EreRi fanficWhere stories live. Discover now