Chapter 1: Found

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First chapter! Yeah! :D This is our first time writing a SnK fanfiction, so sorry if it doesn't live up to your expectations at first! It'll get better, though, we promise XD

Enjoy the first chapter!

This is dedicated to @Heishichou. Wouldn't be here without her!

Year 843: Age 8


          You lay on the cold, damp ground with your head in between your knees. You could feel yourself losing consciousness, flying farther and farther away from the real world. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair fell across your face in an unruly manner, your (e/t) (e/c) eyes fighting to stay open. Your dry, cracked lips were desperately trying to suck in air, but still to no avail.

          With one last, desperate call for help, you sank to the ground, letting the darkness consume you.



          Isabel turned around, but no one was there. She ruffled her dark pink hair, her brown eyes searching for the one who called for help. In her attempt of searching, she didn’t notice the two men who stood behind her, their faces set in annoyed expressions.

          “What the hell is taking you so long, Isabel?” the taller one asked.

          The young woman only glanced at him with a frown, her brows furrowed, and continued to look for the one who gave the strangled cry.

          “Oi, Brat. He asked you a question.” The shorter one retorted, nudging her.

          Isabel looked at them wearily; worry filling her chocolate colored hues. “Didn’t you hear? Someone called for help! But I can’t find them…” she replied, her voice frantic. She remembered exactly what it’s like to be just another abandoned child in the Underground. She shuddered at her memories. She looked over to the short man. His raven black hair fell on his face in an elegant manner, his cold gray eyes narrowed, with the slight blue tint in them gleaming. His mouth was set in its usual frown; his chiseled features remained as expressionless as ever. He would have been a lot handsomer if he didn’t scowl like that all the time. He was only slightly taller than her, and you wouldn’t believe at first glance that he was the one who saved her, along with their other comrade, Furlan Church, years ago.

          “Levi…please…we need to look for them!” she pleaded, tears threatening to spill from her usually joyful eyes.

          “Tch.” Was all he replied with, but started to trudge forward in the direction Isabel pointed at. She let out a small smile. He was cold alright, but he had a heart. She looked at Furlan gratefully as he started to move out as well. She was glad to be able to call them as friends. Well, not really. They were practically family by now. Realizing that she was being left behind, Isabel hurried over to her comrades, her face returning to a happier expression.


          Levi made his way to a dark, abandoned alley, and scowled when he saw the filth that scattered around the place. Moss and grime were scattered on every wall, the stone growing with decayed algae, the floor filled with never ending dirt and garbage. He looked over at Furlan and Isabel, who were already bickering between themselves.

          “Can’t you two go five minutes without bickering?!” he sneered, but secretly, he was quite amused. Isabel and Furlan were polar opposites, both in appearance and personality. To contrast Isabel’s happy-go-lucky personality and dark hair and eyes, Furlan Church was calm, cool, and collected for the most part. He had good control over himself and his actions, and was the group’s strategist. His blond hair was combed neatly to one side, and his bright blue eyes would glow when something interested him. 

          Levi was…well he was something alright. He considered himself about as human as anyone else, but people thought otherwise.

          “She started it!” Furlan exclaimed.

          Isabel rolled her eyes. “Honestly, with that whiney attitude it’s a wonder how you ended up as a gang leader.” She countered.

          “Isabel Magnolia, you better shut up or so help me-“

          “Both of you shut your fucking mouths,” Levi hissed, his gray eyes glaring at them. “Look over there.” He told them, pointing ahead of him.

          Levi began gingerly putting garbage out of the way, scowling as he did so, the two stood behind him, shocked at the scene that was unraveling before them. Under all the grime, dust, garbage, and God knows what else, lay a girl in tattered clothes, her breathing shallow, eyes closed, feet bare.

          “Oh no…” Isabel gasped.

          Levi looked at the little girl in sympathy, remembering that Isabel looked exactly like this when he had found her all those years ago. This girl couldn’t be any more than eight years old. He carefully picked her up in his arms. Furlan walked over and gingerly placed his hand on her small chest.

          “She’s barely alive.” He whispered.

          “Come on,” Levi urged, beginning to walk. “Let’s bring her home.” 

(SnK) Nobody Will Break You: A Jean x Reader and EreRi fanficWhere stories live. Discover now