Chapter 3: Before the Fall Part 1

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An extra long chapter just for you guys! This is where the plot really starts to kick in ;)


Year 844: Age 9


        “Why can’t I go with you guys? I always go!” you whined. Ever since you learned how to properly use your 3DMG, you would always tag along whenever Levi, Isabel, and Furlan needed to do something. If frustrated you to no end that they were saying no today. You hated being left alone.

          “(name), we already explained why you can’t go.” Furlan said gently, putting a hand on your shoulder.

          You shook away from his hold, (e/c) eyes fixed into a ferocious stare. “Tch. It’s a stupid reason!” You retorted while clicking your tongue. After a whole year of being with the trio, you picked up quirks from each of them. You cocked an eyebrow like Furlan, laughed like Isabel, but spoke and acted exactly like Levi, which annoyed Furlan and Isabel at times; one was enough for them.

          “You two go wait outside. I’ll talk to her.”  Levi whispered to his comrades, who reluctantly left after glancing at you one last time. You frowned as he walked towards you, crossing your arms in defiance.

          “(name)…Listen, the reason you can’t come isn’t because we don’t trust you or anything. We all know that you’re capable of taking care of yourself-“

          “Then let me go! I fight as well as you guys do! Isabel told me that it’s dangerous, but that’s fucking bullshit,” you hissed. “It’s always dangerous down here and you know it.”

          Levi sighed and ran a hand through his jet black hair. He got down on one knee and tilted your head towards him, forcing you to look into his eyes. “You know we all care about you, right?” he asked you, his expression softening. You nodded, trying to avoid his gaze.

          “Good. Because I think we all know I only get this fucking soft towards you,” he explained, laughing slightly. You let out a small smile at his statement before he continued. “Now, the real reason we don’t want you to go is because we think we’re being followed.”

          You cocked an eyebrow. Being followed? Impossible. Most people in the Underground knew to leave you guys alone for the most part, and this cave could only be reached through the use of the 3DMG.

          “That’s right, (name). A couple days ago, when we ran into those two guys, I noticed two people watching us intently. I have reason to believe that they’re part of the Scouting Regiment,” he explained. Your (e/c) eyes grew wide. What could the Survey Corps be doing here? “Because of that, we need to investigate further to see if how we’re living is still safe. You’ve trusted us this long, (name). We need you to trust us one more time. Please.” He pleaded, holding onto your small hand.

          You wrapped your free arm around Levi, understanding their decision. You felt his shoulders relax as he hugged you back. “Just promise me we’ll see each other again…” you told him, burying your face into his chest.

          “I promise, with all my heart, that we will see each other again, (name) Smith,” he smiled, pulling away from the hug to look into your (e/c) colored hues once more. “Now go hug Isabel and Furlan. We’ll be leaving soon.” He told you, standing up and ruffling your (h/t) (h/c) hair.



          “Bye, Isabel! Bye Furlan! Stay safe, alright? And come back soon!” (name) exclaimed, putting  the two of them in a death clutch. Levi watched the scene with quietly, trying to contain the smile forming on his face. He can’t let those two think he was going soft, could he?

(SnK) Nobody Will Break You: A Jean x Reader and EreRi fanficWhere stories live. Discover now