A Disappointment

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"Tom!" I called as I spotted him from down the corridor. He turned immediately to see me and smiled.

"Cassidy." He waited for me to catch up. "What can I do for you?"

The morning after my little confrontation with Perlata in his office, he came to see me in the hospital. He tried to explain his view of it all, but I knew that what he did was needed. And I guess I was happier that he was the one to talk to me than anyone else. It was definitely in my interest to have the President in my corner.

I jogged up to him, letting him keep walking towards his room. "I'm about to head out to see Pope but I am dying to get a cuddle off of your little baby."

Tom just smiled. "I think you could squeeze a quick hold in before Anne goes onto shift."

"So what's been the presidential duties today?" I asked him. He filled me in on his work for that day, telling me about the nuclear reactor.

"We're going to...bomb a nuke reactor." I said slowly as we rounded the corner. I could see the doors to Tom's room and wanted to hear this before we got inside.

"It sounds insane, I know. But we're working on a safe way to do it." he waved his hands. "It's a work in progress."

"Clearly." I muttered as Tom went inside. Tom's face lit up as soon as he saw his child in Anne's arms.

"Hi, Cassie." Anne smiled when she saw me. I knew her well enough to tell what mood she was in, whether she was truly happy to see me or not. She looked relieved to have other people with her, it seemed to settle her spooked face.

"I'm just here on a flying visit. Just to see the best baby in the whole world." I gushed at the little bundle in Anne's arms. Without me even asking, Anne passed her over to me. "Hi, baby. Hi, little monkey." I rocked her softly. She had perfect, darker skin, like Anne did and already a head of dark hair, again, like Anne did. Her eyes were the biggest brown ones I had ever seen and already, she was so alert, so aware. It was amazing to see.

"Are you working just now, Cass?" Anne asked me, after hugging Tom.

I shook my head no. "Just finished. I'm going to Pope's in a minute, see if I can't haggle for a minute."

"What are you wanting?" Tom asked.

"Marshmallows." I laughed a little, stroking my hand over Lexi's soft hair. "We were planning a little campfire soon. Whenever we get a night free."


I shrugged. "Me and Ben, Mags, Hal, Denny, Lars, Jeannie, Diego, probably Matt too. But I think he's too cool to be seen with us nowadays. And Lourdes, if she's free."

"So no old people allowed then?" Tom laughed, shrugging out of his jacket.

"You got that right." I smiled and looked back down to Lexi. "You can come though. Yes, you can."

Anne smiled at the two of us, laughing through her exhaustion. "You can come anytime."

"I wish." I sighed and went over to Tom who was sitting on the bed. I slid his daughter into his arms and stepped back. "Man, even I find it hard to leave the baby and she's not even mine. I don't know how you guys do it."

"With difficulty." Anne kissed her child and Tom goodbye and walked out with me, hooking her arm into mine. "Make you want one?"

I took a deep breathe wistfully. "I always have."

"Yeah?" she looked at me. "I don't know why I'm surprised, you've been so good with her. And with Matt. And all the kids in the clinic too."

I smiled and shrugged. "I take that as a huge compliment. But, uh, I don't know if my body would even be able to take it."

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