always more than friends lashton

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Imagine current Luke and 19 year old Ashton who's cuddly and cute. Also current muscly Calum and currently Michael but with green hair.

ALSO fem!ash because I can


Luke sat down on the sofa in the frat house, writing in his binder for his English Language class. It was an essay on how Shakespeare as a writer can make a reader feel and Luke had read every Shakespeare book, old version and modern version. He enjoyed reading around the parties he had to attend.

Calum entered the room and slumped next to Luke, poking his leg. "Hey man."

"Hi." Luke mumbled, continuing to write about The Tempest. "What's up Cal?"

In the university where Luke was attending, Calum was his best friend, along with Michael--Calum's crazy haired and weird boyfriend.

"You coming to the party tonight?" Calum asked, leaning his chin on Luke's broad shoulder and flexing his jaw making Luke look at him. "Luke."

"I don't know, my friend is coming to see me for a week." Luke shrugged, making Calum move off of him.

"Who? Your girlfriend? Or is it boyfriend? I saw you snogging Jake the other night." Calum wiggled his eyebrows at Luke to which he rolled his eyes.

"My best friend, Ash is coming at like six." Luke smiled, thinking about the hazel eyed, curly haired boy.

Ashton was a year younger than Luke and would be coming to Luke's university next year so they could be closer. They'd been friends for years, ever since Ashton moved to Luke's high school when Luke was fifteen, Ashton was fourteen. Luke had caught some guys in his year picking on Ashton and Luke had instantly and without hesitation, punched them in the throat. Sure, he got detention for two weeks and grounded for a month by his parents but Ashton had kissed his cheek. Then they'd been friends ever since.

Luke had left for university across Australia and Ashton had been so upset but they promise each other that they'd meet up and Skype and text and call and keep in contact every way possible. So that was why Ashton was heading down for a week while Luke was at school. He still had class but Ashton had some family members in town and could stay with them while Luke was busy.

It was only ten am and Luke was nervous for Ashton's arrival. He had to brief the boys of his fraternity to not hit on or harass Ashton, the boy was on eighteen while Luke was nineteen, and some boys in his frat house were twenty and twenty-one. He didn't want Ashton overwhelmed.

"Can you gather up the guys who aren't in class?" Luke asked Calum before he could tease Luke about the smile on his face when thinking about Ashton.

"Alright." Calum left the room and came back with eight of the twelve other guys who stayed in the frat house. Luke stood up and looked at the guys wearing the varsity jackets with their frat house logo on and he smiled.

"My best friend his coming today. So we need a few rules." The guys groaned, they maybe wanted to get it on with the person. "One: you do not hit on him, he's a shy kind of guy and if it's even slightly rude he'll punch you in the throat. Number two: he's going to be staying in my room so no bugging us, and make him feel at home. Number three: you make him drink or do any drugs, you're out of this house." Luke said harshly. No matter how much he loved his fraternity brothers, they would always come after Ashton. Ashton was the priority.

The guys nodded, Chris raising his hand awkwardly. "What if he comes on to us?"

"You tell him no." Luke said gruffly.

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