he hit me and it felt like a kiss lashton

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[This story is changing so it's just smutty and fluffy lashton with the occasional foursome]

[ i dunno I wanted to write this for a while.]

Ashton was a great boyfriend, honestly, he really was. He brought Luke flowers and chocolates and they went on cute dates and they're were engaged. They really were the couple everyone wanted to be. Just not when Ashton was drunk. He scared Luke a lot when he was drunk. And tonight it was one of those nights.

Luke was lying in bed alone, waiting for his brown haired boyfriend to come home from the pub with Michael. Luke hated when he had to fall asleep alone and then wake up at two am when Ashton came on, and Luke had to take care of him.

But soon Luke fell asleep after having his usually tea and cookies and an old re-run of How I Met Your Mother, snuggled in his plaid pyjamas and plain white duvet covers, their dog, snowy, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Then three am hit and the flat door opened and giggling was heard. Luke was woken immediately by the sound and he blinked tiredly before getting out of bed.

Snowy followed after Luke, his paws pattering on the brown hardwood floors. Luke entered the living room and his heart dropped of the sight of Ashton kissing someone else, in their own apartment.

"Ash?" Luke said, gaining his fiancé's attention who hesitantly pulled away from a red haired boy. Luke didn't recognise him. He was a stranger who Ashton had met. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Go back to bed Lukey, I'll deal with you later." Ashton said and turned to kiss the red head again but Luke huffed and stormed over to them before gripping the red headed boys shirt and dragging him to their door. Luke chucked him out before locking the door and turning to Ashton again.

"I am sick of you." Luke spat, "You're going out and coming back early in the morning, drunk put of your mind and then you fucking bring a--"

Then Ashton slapped Luke, making the blondes head snap to the side, his cheek already turning a bright pink. "Don't you talk to me like that again, or it'll be worse."

Ashton had hit Luke before. People knew, even Liz, but she thought Ashton was some saint and simply told Luke to not let him do it again. But no, it continued when ever he was drunk.

Luke swallowed down tears, his hand going to his cheek and soothing it with his fingertips. "O-Okay."

"Now go back to bed, I don't want to look at you again." Ashton huffed and slumped off in to the kitchen, snowy following at his feet.

Even the dog likes him more, Luke frowned at the thought.

Luke hastily wiped away any tears because Ashton hated it when he cried, calls him a pussy and tells him to grow up. Luke knew he was younger but it was okay to cry once in a while, right?

The blonde hesitantly entered the kitchen, seeing his boyfriend slumped over the counter, a glass of water in his hand. "What did I just tell you to do?" Ashton snapped once seeing his fiancé.

"I'm s-sorry." Luke whispered, he didn't know why he was apologising. He just didn't want Ashton to be mad, and sometimes if the apology was good enough, they'd make love on the sofa. It was a shitty thing, but it happened.

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