Chapter 1- Unnaturali Infirmitate.

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This is my first sci fi dystopian book. I'm writing this for the just write it challenge so I'll be posting everyday. This first chapter is just the introduction. I hope you'll enjoy!

They say your soul mate's always nearby. They say you know he's the one when you feel a little shock in your body, a twinge of electricity. They say you'll feel exhilarated and that your heart's rate speeds up immensely. They say thats how meeting you soul mate's always been like but there have always been rumors floating around that people back then didn't know who their soul mates were and messed around a lot. If that were true then how did they live like that? They just went around from one person to another trying to find their soul mate? Did some of them never meet their soul mates?

I could never imagine living like that, besides, relationships between opposite genders before soul mates, unnaturali infirmitate, are frowned upon. They say it's immoral, that it's sickening, that things start happening to your brain that make you think irregularly and act irrationally. As children, they've told us stories of those that suffered from unnaturali infirmitate, people who become crazy and psychotic have nervous breakdowns.

It's fine to be close to the opposite gender after meeting your soul mate since you're already with the person you're fated to be with. There's no harm after, everyone laughs and reminisces. At least, that's what my sister says. She's met her soul mate, she says the same things happened that everyone else says when she met hers. I guess everyone experiences the same thing when it's love at first sight.

Anyone who succumbs to unnaturali infirmitate is sent to what they call a rehabilitation facility for about a half year. They've told us that they are given constant care and assessments to their mental and physical health. No ones really been in there except for those that have to be in there. When the patients come out they're back to normal, it's like whatever it was that they had before was just magically erased. They go back to their lives and continue, leaving their past behind.

Rebekah, my best friend Lana's sister, was sent there. I remember that day, they took her screaming and kicking, her mom almost went over the edge. She went on grouching about how she knew that there was something wrong, that one day her daughter just wasn't her daughter anymore.

She was furious at the fact that her daughter had ashamed her family, most of whom suffer from family members that get involved usually drift down in what we call the social classes. Lana's and her family were able to stay where they were not that I was surprised since her mother was like one of the pillars of the community. Others who suffered the same fate usually never got to stay, they tried to prolong the inevitable to move into the Lost Lands. The Lost Lands was a part of the town where people who hadn't had the luxury to stay where they were, moved to.

After the six month trail was over and Rebekah came back home, it was like everything was back to normal. Her mom never said a word of what she yammered on about. No one ever spoke of that period of time. Me and Lana asked Rebekah what it was like before from curiosity but she shrugged it off, she said that she could hardly remember something so insignificant and that she knew it was a stupid mistake. She brimmed with excitement to meet her soul mate after that.

Abstinence is key, that's what the posters hung all over town say. They sort of give me this creepy feeling, isn't it if there's a woman practically staring down at you like she was judging your every move from a piece of paper? They're hang them there to give you a constant reminder not to engage in relationships before. It's not like we don't know, it's practically been drilled into our heads and we know the consequences, it's the worst thing that can happen and I'm not going to be caught up in it, ever.

Anyone under the age of seventeen is prone to unnaturali infirmitate. With all this danger, I can't wait to meet him. Was he tall? Smart? Handsome? Funny? It was impossible to know and sometimes I just laid in bed thinking about the possibilities.

Everything will be fine after I meet my soul mate. It's just sixteen days away, it was marked on my calendar that hung on the wall next to my door. We all meet our soul mates the day we turn seventeen so we always heard news of others in school. Some just had an earlier birthday and were luckier to meet their soul mates earlier.

When I was little I heard that soul mates have the same birthday and I tried to find my soul mate. I made my way around school to ask boys what their birthday's were but the teacher saw me and immediately stopped me, calling my mom. I didn't know back then so my mom gave me the talk, warning me about the dangers of relationships before soul mates.

I know to be careful but it's still unsettling, the feeling that it could just creep up on you and snatch you in an instant.

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