Chapter 16- Ecstatic.

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I quit. I just quit my job after that, I can't see him no matter how much I want to I can't. He's... an outsider. I can't do anything, I can't tell anyone. If what he said was true then what am I suppose to do? Can I really still live out the rest of the life with someone I'm not really meant to be with?

Matthias, why? I sigh as I cock my head to the side in front of the tv. I'm never going to see him again. I realize the full extent of my actions and I start to tear up. I angrily wipe away the tears as I hear someone come up behind me.

"Hey." Mikael says as he takes a seat beside me.

I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh "Hi." Can I really do this?

I watch the program with Mikael as the it changes to a new alert. A live feed of a smoking building shows up on the screen and I freeze up, sitting upright and I lean in closer to listen.

It was the Amore Research Lab, a banner painted 'Everything is a Lie' hangs from the ceiling. The outsiders again. I watch as the smoke clears out and a reporter appears "I-I've got some incoming news." Her hand is pressed to her ear, listening to whatever they are telling her, "it's seems that they have caught the perpetrators." I widen my eyes. Matthias? Was he involved in this? Was he arrested?

"I repeat they are caught, the people responsible have been arrested." Arrested? For what exactly, what did they do? For all we know, this could've been orchestrated by the government. Is he alright? I spring out of the couch, surprising my brother. I need to find out.

"I need to go." I say, running to the door and I slip into my sneakers.

"What? Where?" Mikael says with a worried tone. 

"Friends, I'll be right back." I say with a reassured tone. I need to know. I need to. I try to catch my breath as I stop at the stop sign, he said he lived on Farris. That's where I need to look, just need to make sure. I pushed myself more and more, faster and faster. I get to Farris in about five minutes and I jump off, gulping down half of my water.

I don't know where to start. I walk to the first house on Farris and Clark, I take a deep breath as I walk up the steps. What would I say? Is Matthias here? Does he live here?

As I reach for the doorbell a dog barks a few doors down, I whip my head, alarmed at the sound and see a white mailbox with the name Everette. I widen my eyes and sprint off the steps before anyone can see me.

Good thing I turned that way, it would've been pretty awkward. I breath in again and walk towards the Everette house. It was tall, white, made of wood like all the other houses here. I take a deep breath, this time sure of the house. I just have to ask if he's home or not, just a simple question.

I walk up the steps, holding my breath in and press the doorbell. A few chimes come and go and on the sixth one the door opens. I'm face to face with a woman with a dazzling smile and an apron on.

"Oh you must be Lilith, come in, come in." She chides as her smile grows bigger "Matthias is right up stairs though he's a little ruffed up." She winks and points at the stairs "first door on your right sweetie."

I stand there a little stunned and then I blink a few times "thank you." I manage to say as I start to walk up the stairs. Ruffed up? He was hurt? I push open the first door I see without thinking and I see Matthias lying on the floor leaning on his bed. 

He did looked ruffed up. I could tell his hair was charred at the tips and he has a little gash on his forehead right beneath his hairline. My eyes move to his shirt where there's a blood stain on his ribcage. He looks at me with bewilderment and smiles with apprehension, not knowing the reason I was here.

I feel the my eyes water as I rush up, wrapping my arms around him. He winces a little and I open my eyes, backing away. I just hugged him. I never hugged a guy before. The thought disappears as my eyes go back to the bloodstain "what happened? I saw on tv."

"Compared to the others it's nothing." He brushes it off and smiles at me, making me blush.

"I heard that they caught everyone." I say while skimming my fingers along his forehead, taking the towel from his hand to carefully dab the gash.

"No, they're just lying to prevent panic. They didn't catch anyone." He says as he moves to the side so I can sit down.

"Matthias, I-I-" I start to say but I get stopped by him.

"It's okay, you were confused, scared." He says in a hushed tone making me sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. He surprises me with a kiss on my head and holds my hand, tracing my knuckles. Anything could happen and I wouldn't care. Is it bad that I don't really care about the social status of my parents anymore? They should be happy for me, I'm happy now, I'm ecstatic.

"Oh," he says suddenly "I'm not sixteen, I'm nineteen."

"And you didn't tell me yesterday?" I ask softly and chuckle.

"Well there were more important things to talk about, my age didn't seem that important."

"I was angry at the fact that you were younger yesterday." I mutter and look down at my hands on my lap.

My head bounces up and down a little at the movement of his shoulders as he chuckles "well I was talking about the soul mate thing."

I scrunch my nose up and sigh as I dig my face into the side of his shoulder. Soul mates. Our whole lives were built around that idea. Nothing is perfect. Nothing is really set in stone. I straighten myself up, catching Matthias off guard as I realize a problem. My supposed soul mate Nick.  

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