Chapter 4- Metal Utensils.

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Darn I think as I speed down the street the next day. I only have a half hour before my appointment at the doctors. I ride all the way back to Ivy Deli. Back tracking was always a great idea. I slowly cycle as I look at the ground. So I only passed about 3 three blocks and a traffic light. I dart my eyes back and forth to both sides of the road. This wasn't good, I couldn't lose my freaking card. Sure I could just terminate it but that wasn't the point. Just as I pass the traffic light I stop and get off my bike to walk.

I near the area where I hit the guy yesterday, I'm pretty sure it was right here. I look around within five feet of the area, under the car, and even the sidewalk where people stare strangely at me. I'm just looking for my card, it's not like I'm doing something illegal. I sigh as I stand back up and look at my watch. It was already time to go, time passes like nothing. Did someone steal it? I mean you can't even get into it, there's a password on it. Did I even actually drop it here?

I sigh doubtfully as I get back on my bike. With ten minutes left to my appointment I glumly speed off. Where could I have lost it? I wrack my brain till I have no more helpful contingent ideas and I stop in front of the doctor's office. It was just a white building that stood taller than any of the others on the block.

Out of the corner of my eye, the giant wall loomed over the office. It wasn't exactly a thing you could ignore when you were near it. I was gigantic, almost five stories high. It was just a boundary separating us and what was beyond . I don't really know what's beyond the wall, no one really talks about it and I kind of just don't think about it, no one really does. I go back to ignoring the wall as I open the door and take step inside the air conditioned office. I shiver slightly from the air that rushes at me and I make my way to the front desk to sign in.

I scribble my name as legibly and quickly as possible, pushing the clipboard back under the space of the glass window. I raise my eyebrows a little as I watch the woman from behind the glass roll away in her seat to a shelf for my file. Why did they even need the glass window, did they really need protection? Could it be for hygiene?

"Dr. Ming will call you in shortly." The lady at the front desk says with a obligatory smile. There isn't a name I can put to her face, she doesn't have a name tag or anything and shortly? I look around the room, just empty sofa chairs. There was no one here, did she have other patients inside? I hope this would going to be fast, I mean it was only an annual check up.

I slowly walk to the wall of sofa chairs and I plop myself in one, letting myself sink in the comfortable fabric. It's been a while since I've been here and I stare up at the plain white ceiling, examining the little cracks that had formed over the years. Mom is going to kill me when she finds out that I lost it. As I'm about to sink into oblivion I hear my name being faintly called. I look up to see a the lady from the front desk waving me in through the door.

I'm beckoned in, I follow behind her as she takes me to the room where there's a chair surrounded by machinery and tools. She signals me to go in as I choke out an awkward laughter, are we going to use all these things today? I quickly scan the room, they completely redecorated, light colored tiles cover the walls that I'm sure is meant to give calming vibe to patients but I get an eery feeling from it. I can't really make sense of the machines, I mean, what can you really do with all these? I'm pretty sure it isn't going to be needed in this line of work.

I slowly walk towards the lone leather black chair in the circular room as the lady leaves me alone to continuously wonder. It makes a squeaking noise as I shift around to make myself comfortable in the chair. I turn to face one of the tables that was put beside me. All sorts of weird looking metal utensils lay on the table, making me feel like I was a lab animal that was to be dissected on.

"Hello Lilith." Dr. Ming says as she appears at the doorway making me jump a little. She was always great at surprises and she was one sly looking lady. "Oh don't worry, it's just a little check up today." she says as she sees me give a nervous smile, she looks down at the file that must be mine as she walks towards me.

"Great." I softly say, just how little was the check up today? I couldn't really remember the last one, I think it was years ago. As Dr. Ming takes a seat beside me she lowers my chair back a little. I feel goosebumps appear over my body as my shirt floats up and down from a chill of wind that blows below me.

"So how's the contacts?" she asks as she pulls down a big magnifying glass at me from out of nowhere. I feel myself sink unconsciously deeper in my seat as she leaned in to see. "Keep your eyes open please."

"They feel absolutely fine." I assure her as I try my best to keep still, not letting my eyes blink. I stare back through the magnifying glass at her, her eyes were huge as I look at her irises and the patterns they make.

"Well they seem great," she smiles, giving me a breath of relief "I'm sorry for making you come all the way over here, but it's mandatory after all." She sighs as she pushes the glass back up above me. I feel myself relax as I release a sigh, so nothings wrong with them, great.

"Do come to me if anything at all feels wrong, anything at all." Dr. Ming says as she scribbles in my file. What was she writing? Wasn't I fine? I let out a puff of air as I let it go. This isn't even what I should be worrying about.

I shift my legs onto the floor. "I can go?"

"Yea, you're fine. See you at the next check up then." She waves as she continues to scribble something which makes me even more curious to see what she's so intently writing. I shrug it off, I'm free to leave now. I push myself off the seat as I find my way out of the office, I say a quick goodbye to the lady as my phone vibrates. It was Lana, asking if I wanted to go to the library after school tomorrow. I guess I could drag it out a little longer and not let my mom know.

Sorry if this chapter was a little dull but I have my reasons :3 things are going to start to get more interesting now :)

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