Chapter 2- Everyday With Bacon.

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I open my eyes to the smell of bacon and the repetitive blaring of my alarm clock, rubbing my eyes as I slowly got off my bed I hit the button on the clock. I had strategically placed my alarm clock across the room just to make myself get up. I looked at my white and grey walls for a second then I shuffle to the window, opening it to let out the morning smell of bacon. There were boys running around and laughing, playing kickball on the street. I feel myself make a small smile at the sight, a children's innocence is always nice.

I moved away from the window as I pulled back the curtains to tie them at the sides. It was going to be hot, humid, and sunny today, just like yesterday and the day before. The heat was already seeping in and letting the cool air escape. I take small breaths so I don't have to deeply inhale the heavy and hot air as I walk to the bathroom.

The school year's nearly over, I guess it kind of coincides with my birthday. Almost everyone in my school already met their soul mates, I had just the luck of being born near the end of the year I mean, I couldn't control that could I but still. I mentally sigh as I bury myself in a hot towel.

I open my drawer, shuffle around and take out jeans and a t-shirt. As I wiggle into my clothes I pass by the calendar that hung next to my door, crossing out the day before. I had drawn a big circle on the date of my birthday, sure it was the day that I was born but the day where I was also turning seventeen. 

I could finally meet the guy I was destined to be with. But would I even like him? I have to right? I mean he's my soul mate. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the negative thoughts. He was my soul mate, there was no way that I wouldn't like him. I drop the black marker in the space on top of the calendar and sluggishly make my way downstairs to the kitchen where the smell of bacon still lingered heavily in the air.

I pass the mini dining table as I see my newspaper reading dad and greet him. Every morning was a little bit repetitive, my dad always read the newspaper and my mom was always cooking bacon and something. Be it eggs or pancakes, bacon was always the constant. I think that the smell of bacon already seeped in the walls of the house. To be honest, even if the smell was old, the taste would never be.

"Hey honey, grab a plate." My mom says as she hums her morning tune. She was an old fashioned stay at home mom that liked to cook and clean. It was a but surprising since almost everyone's mom worked but ever since I could remember, she was vacuuming, dish washing, and mopping machine around the house.

I take the plate of bacon and waffle and sit down at the table just as my brother Mikael comes downs the stairs with a creak every step he takes. He's just a year younger than me but was way taller than me already. I don't think he's nearly as enthusiastic for his soul mate but who knows, a year can be a big game changer.

I touch the nape of my neck as I take a bite of my syrup covered waffle. I run my fingers along the small scar right underneath my hairline, something I unconsciously do sometimes when I think. Everyone has the scar, nearly identical from birth. It was just a genetic hiccup of our species.

"You're doing it again." Mikael sighs as he shuffles around his cut pieces of waffle. What a nosy but perceptive brother, he always likes to point out little movements.

"Yes, I know." I rolled my eyes as I chomped on my last bite and put the plate of scraps in the sink. This was going to be another long day.

"Can you pick up some milk and apples on the way back today Lilith?" my mom calls from the kitchen as I put on my shoes by the front door. Milk and apples? Why do we need apples? That's going to be so heavy but okay, sure. 

"Yea, bye see you later." I shout as I close the door behind me, grabbing my bike off the fresh cut grass and push it out of the boundaries of my house. Off to another day of school but 16 days to the unveiling of my soul mate. I sped down the road, waving at neighbors as I hit all different kinds of smells that made me smile and gag. 

I passed by the Jopers, the lovely nickname given to those that roamed and kept watch. Sort of like soldiers I guess but they're easily antagonized if you directly encounter them or catch their attention, otherwise if you're just passing by they wouldn't give you another thought. I looked at them out of the corner of my eye as I focused on the road ahead of me, they were always so still and quiet in their black armored suit til the moment they find their target

I took my mind of the Jopers as I neared the school, circling around people who were in my way and I manage to get a spot at the bike rack. It was really packed today of all days.

I jump and yelp at a sudden forceful pat on my shoulders and turn around to see Lana. I feel my cheeks grow warm at the attention of people around me and glare at Lana. She proudly grinned and looked pleased with her attack. The girl was just a little taller then me and had luscious blonde hair that could blind you reflecting the sunlight. 

She takes my arm and pulls me along up the steps of the school "Aren't you just excited, just 16 more days!" she squeals as she pushes through the front doors.

"Well yours is 20 days away." I raise my eyebrows. She makes a big deal everyday, counting down the days along with me when her own birthday's also near. She's one of the few who also hasn't met their soul mate. Maybe that's why we're so close, our birthdays were basically next to each other, no hassle in gloating over soul mates when the other would get theirs soon after. Maybe it was just the fact that we were the first ones that we both met in middle school.

"Yea but I'm more hyped for yours, it's like you've been dreaming for this moment for years." She flaps her arms around as we roam the hallways. She just about hit two people during our walk and always had the eye for attention.

"Dreaming about? Meh," I shrug "you know with me, I just don't want to get caught up in all that unnaturali infirmitate." I say, scrunching up my nose as Lana rolls her eyes.

"It's not a virus, you won't catch it just like that," she says as she slaps my arm, "besides you haven't had a steady conversation with a guy in like forever. Face it, you aren't going to catch it no matter how much you want to." Lana teases.

"What! I don't want to catch it." I slightly hiss as her grin grows wider.

"I'm just messing with you, you're so gullible every time." Lana snorts pulls me along into a classroom.

"Nice to know you're so relaxed about this." I sigh as I take a seat at a desk, she never really took this stuff seriously. I thought after her sister, sure but she never did, she was worse than before. It was like something inside just clicked, she acted like everything made sense in the world.

"Maybe catching it wouldn't be so bad." She shrugs as she leans back on her chair.

"Are you crazy? Don't say that here." I suck in my breath as I look around to see if anyone heard, she was really losing it. 

"Relax, no one even comes in here this early." She says as she tries to calm me down. Someone is going to hear and she's going to get in trouble. Unnaturali infrimitate was not a laughing matter.

"Lana." I say sharply, I don't want her to get taken away too. She knows how dangerous it is to talk with sympathy about the matter. 

She rolls her eyes at me and puts her hands up. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry I said it Lills." She was taking this a little too lightly.

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