Chapter 3- For The First Time.

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After school I make my way out of school through the mess of people, I look beyond and see heads bobbing back and forth like bottles in a sea. I sigh as I look down at my phone as I move with the crowd, slowly shuffling out. People were just eager to get out of school, to get on with their lives I guess. After I meet my soul mate would that be the only thing I'd be looking forward to?

As soon my foot touches the pavement I zigzag through the crowd to my bike while getting a few looks my way. There was no way I was going to get out of here in less than 5 minutes without being a little rough. As I unhinge the front wheel from the bike rack I hear my name being called and turn my head to the right. It was Lana shoving her way through the crowd while waving her hands at me.

"Where're you going so fast?" Lana cocked her head to the side as she took out her bike. We barely have any classes together this year so it's either talk before or after school or text. It wasn't the greatest feeling, to not really see your best friend through the agonizing cycle of school but it life wasn't going to do you any favors.

"The store, I have to pick up some things." I say as I move close to my bike, ready to leave. Did she want to pick up a few things too?

"Ivy Deli?" She asks as I nod and smile. "Want some company?" I give a small chuckle as I remembered, the deli was on the way to her house.

"Sure." I grin as I ring the bell on my bike to grab the attention of people in front of me. Each ring makes a new person jump and look back like I was crazy for some reason. All I want to do was get out I don't deserve the crazy stare for that. Lana follows right behind me until we get out, she zooms off in front of me leaving a gust of wind to blow hair into my face.

She looks behind to laugh at me as I speed right after her. The blocks in my town are pretty long so we were able to race to the next stop. It was still a school zone so the speed limit was 20 miles per hour, soon we were able to pass the cars that slowly drove. Our bikes, road bikes were able to go much faster, lighter and more aerodynamic than the regular bike. I come out of my arched posture that hugged the frame and I straighten my back to feel the rush of the wind as Lana came up next to me. I give a smile as I point to the turn ahead and she nods.

I lean at the next right and wave to her as she keeps on going straight. She still had a couple of blocks to go to her house. I squeeze the brakes as I slowly come to a stop, getting off I lift my bike on to the sidewalk to lean it against the wall of the deli. I push through the doors with a ding, giving a small nod to the owner and walk down to the dairy aisle where I run into a gust of cold wind. It could be the arctic for all I care, I was only wearing a t-shirt. I'm sure if I move back an inch I would be warm again. I shiver slightly, goosebumps appearing as I quickly walk down to get the brand of milk that my mom always gets.

I rush out of the chilly section into a more mild one, the fruits section. I smile at an old grandmother as I pass by her to pick out some apples. These were going to be really annoying to carry home on the handle bars. I sighed as I put each apple in a netted bag, might as well get a dozen, yay for deals.

I walk out of the section while tying the bag and the smell of fresh baked bread found its way to my nose. I feel my mouth water as I go up to the cashier and hand him my card. The card was the only thing I could buy things with and what was sucky about it was that it had a limit each day. It wasn't like I could ask my parents to raise it either, it was set by the government. This was just one of the few things that I didn't agree with.

I think back at the conversation that Lana and I had this morning, she really had a lot to disagree with. She got more defiant after her sister was sent away, it didn't die after she came back. It was fine, some of them I even agreed with but then she started to challenge unnaturali infirmitate. I loved her and all but it just took me aback. You can't even talk with sympathy of the subject without being put on the watch list, it honestly scared me a little. I mentally shrug and sigh as I put the card back into my pocket, it's just twenty days till her soul mate, she would realize after she meets him.

I thank the cashier as I grab the bag, thank goodness this thing has handles or I was going to really have a hard time bringing this back, it was like 5 miles with bumps on the way back. I hop on my bike as I secure the bag on the handle bars with my hands covering them, apples on one side and milk on the other. I slowly pedal away to first maintain my balance and then transition onto the the road.

With a bump every block the apple jumped. My eyes darting back and forth from my watch and the road to check the time, it was only four eleven. I slowly stop and put a foot down at the red light as a car pulls up next to me. The driver, a woman, puts down her mirror to check her self. She turns her face in every direction as if to make sure there were no chinks in her complexion. Soon after, out of the corner of my eye the red light turned green, the woman still hadn't noticed as the car behind her gave a long and loud honk making her jump in her seat. She scrambled to flip the mirror up and stuck her foot down hard on the gas pedal speeding away as I silently laughed.

I pedal off again, cycling past the cars as I pass yet again another bump. I jump slightly up in my seat, my hands shift and the one of the handles of the bag with the apples slip off.

"Crud." I mutter as I quickly look at the road, no pedestrians, still a long way to go and I shift my attention to the bag to fix it. Just as I pull the handle back up, not even a second has passed, and I hear someone coughing. I frantically look up as I see a man with a backpack appear out of nowhere from behind the cars just as I speed towards him. Can't he look both ways? I immediately grab at the brakes, squeezing them with all my might as my tires make a painful screech grabbing his attention at the last minute.

I manage to slow down immensely, hitting his leg with a small bump I quickly shoved my right foot down on the ground as I felt myself leaning in that direction. I look at him with disdain just as I hear a multiple thumps and a crumple of paper and I close my eyes. That couldn't be could it? Freak. Just. Great. I sigh as I slowly get off my bike to pick up the net of apples that fell out of the bag. I grip the handles tightly as I clench and unclench my other hand.

"I am so sorry," the man quickly says as he bends down to reach for the paper bag for me. It was partially my fault too, I can't just get mad at him. I really can't. I stare at the asphalt for a few seconds to regain my composure. Wasn't this a nice shade a black? Deep breathes.

I take the paper bag from him and I put the apples in and give a tight smile "It's fine, really, just please watch where you're going next time." I roll back my shoulders and get back on the bike. "Thank you for helping me pick up my things." I nod slightly as I pedal away, leaving him to be by himself. I make my grip on the bags tighter as I pedal faster than before home, glueing my eyes to the road.

That darn guy, now I'm pretty sure that some of the apples are bruised now. Who likes to eat bruised apples? Pretty sure no one in my family really prefers to eat them. As I feel the sweat bead down my face I lean my face down to wipe it on my shoulder sleeve. Look on the bright side, at least the milk didn't spill. I try to calm down by looking at the clouds in the sky, it kind of worked, they're like gigantic blobs of cotton balls in the sky today. It's hard not to appreciate the complicity of nature.

I guess I wasn't really paying attention since I unconsciously stop and notice that I'm in front of my house. I sigh as I get off and lean my bike on the inner part of the fence making it creak a little. I hope she wasn't going to be too upset by this. I grab the milk and apples and I walk into my house, I kick back the front door to set the bags down on the countertop. I grab a paper towel and wet it, I wash my face with it as I sighed gratefully at the feeling of the coldness.

I lean against the counter as I crumpled the towel into a ball and slip my hand into my pocket. Crud. No, seriously? This is where I put it, I shove my hands into my other jean pockets and find them all empty. Did I drop the card before when I hit the guy? That was the only time where the card could've come out.

I was listening to music when I wrote this chapter and I conveniently stumbled upon for the first time by the script, fits the chapter right?

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