Chapter 9- Sore Subject.

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My mother was... ecstatic we just have to have them over, oh what about this Saturday?  she raved. She was all ready to meet the other family. She was ready to be one big happy family. My dad seemed happy for me as he always did and Mikael, well I couldn't read his expression, he gave me a pat on the back but it seemed like something was wrong. There seemed to be always something on his mind lately.

I sigh at what happened yesterday and lean back on the wall of the beach store. I'm awaiting Matthias again, this was maybe the ninth time? It was different every time, we did something different every time. It's extremely fun to talk to him, there are no complications. We almost never talk about our personal lives, leaving it behind us when we meet but there are some exceptions of course.

I don't know what to do about this soul mate thing, I found out his name from Lana, it's Nick. I'm meant for him aren't I? I should be frolicking through a field of daisies with him right now. Should I ask Matthias for advice? I mean, he's met his soul mate already, he could know how to deal with what I'm feeling right now, how to fix it, mend it, I don't know. Anything would be great I guess.

My heart aches once again, it happens every time I think about meeting Nick. It wasn't just an ache, it's sometimes just painful, not dying painful but it's like a needle to my heart. I exhale and inhale and feel my heart beat, is something wrong with my heart? Could this be signs of a heart attack? Aren't I a little too young?

I'm interrupted by a cough and a throat clear "Lilith? Anyone there?" Matthias comes up to me from my left and smiles. My ache disappears at the sound of his voice and I look up. Was he magic? Or did I just need a distraction.

I grin back, pushing myself off the wall, "I'm right here." He's cheerful as always.

"Come on, I found this awesome place the other day." He grins and pulls me along, grabbing my hand and I feel the hairs on my neck stand. I smile, it was like this every time. Probably from contact with a guy but it wasn't a bad feeling. I scrunch my eyebrows a little as we step down onto the sand, maybe it would be like this with Nick.

Every step I take brings me closer to the ocean and suddenly he turns, pulling me towards the rocks. He looks back and grins, eager to show me what he found. I squint my eyes, as if it would help me see clearly. I glance at the back of Matthias' head, his hair trifles with the wind, dancing with every gust. The collar of his surprisingly colorful summer themed button down ruffles with every blow.

As we reach the rocks I widen my eyes at his discovery and his grin grows wider at my reaction. I step closer to the shore to see. Just off the coast stood a mini coral reef, teeming of life. Little fish swam in and out of castle like corals and sea anemones harbored them. I watch and giggle as crabs scamper across the ocean floor, running into their domains and waiting for their prey.

"Beautiful right?" Matthias says as he shows up behind me and I nod. It was absolutely breathtaking I had never seen anything like this, I only saw these things in pictures. For one to be right here, it was amazing. I watch as Matthias bends down and sticks his hand in the water to grab something on the side of the rock. 

It was tiny, just an inch long and I observe the little five legged animal uncurl one of its legs on Matthias' hand, each of it's spines wiggle a little to work. After I stare in awe, he sets it back in the water on a rock and goes to sit down on the sand. I take a seat down next to him, it's peaceful. There are no humans here except us. I give a pleasant sigh as I spread my legs out, appreciating the warmth of the sun.

Nature was just utterly... complex. It was beautiful, exquisite. I smile a little at view and pull in my legs to rest my head on them. It's breathtaking but it's also temporary. If only I could just live in the moment, with Matthias. No complications necessary, no feelings. When I go back, the spell is broken. I'll go back to dealing with my feelings and what to make sense of them. 

My feelings, what do I feel? Nick? I'm suppose to love him however bland love is, I'm suppose to. It's fate, I can't defy it. I let out a sigh as Matthias takes notice.

"Why the heavy sigh?" He says with a raised eyebrow.

"I..." I scrunch my eyebrows as the pain of the ache comes back, just when I'm thinking about Nick. I shake it off, continuing my sentence as he cocks his head to listen. "I met my soul mate." 

He looks at me with an expression that I can't comprehend and turns away, looking at the coral reef. "Oh... that's nice." He says in a different tone, his voice is deeper as though as if he's miles away.

I silently wince as the pain increases, it feels as if my heart is going to beat out of my chest. What is going on? "I-I think you'd like him." I blurt out, trying to lighten the mood and lighten the pain.

"Maybe." Matthias says in a clipped tone, making me raise my eyebrows. His mood suddenly changed, it was the subject of soul mates wasn't it? Did something happen with his? He quickly turns to me, making me fidget. I expect a different expression due to the change in his voice but I'm greeted with a small smile. I can't make sense of his smile, I know it isn't genuine. Why is he smiling then?

"How's school?" He suddenly asks, quickly changing the subject. Something was wrong with his soul mate. I scrunch my eyebrows at his question but I quickly revert back. I'm going to wait until he's comfortable enough to talk about it. I can't pry after all.

"It's normal, boring, there's only a few more days so," I shrug as I watch his mood lighten, "it's bearable."

"Have you decided what you're going to go into?" he asks, looking back at me with softer features.

I shake my head, "no, not yet. I still have one more year." I smile and laugh a little to match the atmosphere. Okay, no talking about soul mates in the future.

The next chapter is going to be as short as this sorry! >.< but I promise things are going to pick up.

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