Chapter 19- Panic.

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As I turn at every corner I look behind my shoulder to see if anyones watching or following. I can never be too careful or skeptical. With the coast clear I jog into a path entering the woods, humming to keep myself calm. The woods were always the worst part. Sometimes it was nice though most of the time is was just creepy. Owls were always hooting, cicadas buzzing, remind of when Lana was taken.

I feel the sweat bead down my forehead and I wipe it off with my sleeve. As I duck past branches and hop over fallen logs I finally get out of the woods and see Joe and Mary. They were an old couple that lived in the lost lands, they were extremely nice. Also apparently extreme advocates of real love, they fell in love before turning 17 with each other and to their luck they were soul mates.

I wave at them I as I get closer and a smile comes to their faces. I take out the granola bars that hid in my pockets and gave it to them.

"Thank you sweetheart." Mary smiles as she opens the package. Granola bars to my surprise were really the only snacks they craved for, I don't know why since I can bring them things like cake, candy, various other stuff but they just want granola bars. 

 I crack a smile as I watch the look on their faces as they savior the taste. "I'll bring more next time." I laugh as I wave and walk towards the meeting place. I walk two houses down and up the creaky old steps. The old house is old, really old. It was even before Mary and Joe but of course, the whole soul mates facade has been going on even longer than that.

I guess that with people who wanted to change things came different areas. People with different ideas are always separated. I push open the door to an empty room. With every step I take comes a creak, I think the floorboards are at its limit. I gingerly walk up the stairs and step over the rotted wood step.

I see the bag with the Iris logo as always and smile. To keep up the act that I'm going off to jog, Matthias always brings a bag of stuff brought from a store from the other side of town so it looks like I did something.

I find Matthias sitting on the couch and I sit next to him, inching myself closer to his side. I lean my head onto his shoulder as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Hey." I giggle as I look up at him and he smiles. I move his hair to the side as I reach up for a quick peck on the lips which leaves me blushing.

"I like this," he says as he leans his head on top of mine "this, here, now, it's nice."

I instinctively lift my head, surprising him "but it isn't permanent." I sigh and take his hand, moving my thumb along it. Nothing is when there is even the slightest chance of getting caught.

"I know," Matthias nods and tugs me closer to him, making me lie against his chest which makes me calm down "I just love how peaceful it is right now."

For a few moments we lie there in silence, listening to the rustle of branches until I hear a twig snap. I jolt right up and whip my head at Matthias with a worried look. A twig snapping could be a deer, a squirrel, but it could also be a joper.

He nods and brings his finger to his lips, looking just as alert as me. I slowly move along the floor, careful not to make any noises which was just about a miracle and I grab the bag. 

I hear a creak downstairs and quickly move to the window where Matthias waits for me. His worried expressions turns into a panicked one as we hear several more creaks. Fear seeps through me as a realization comes to me. They are here, they are after us.

Matthias rapidly uncoils the top that hangs above the window and slowly sticks his head out for any signs of jopers. I clench and unclench my hands as I hear whispers below us. He nods and gives me the rope, signaling for me to go down first. My heart beat increases as I inch my way down the rope and I quietly step onto the grass, Matthias coming down with me.

A shout pierces my ear and I realize that it's Mary. I'm paralyzed for a second but then I gasp and turn around to look at Matthias but he blurs towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I struggle to keep up with him and he takes the bag from me. Mary, Joe, what's going to happen to them? 

We sprint through the forest as we hear shouts from the house, gruff and masculine shouts which could only mean jopers. I bite my lower lip as I dunk a branch, were they going to track us down?

I gasp for air as we slow down a couple of blocks after. I let out a cough as Matthias puts his hand on my shoulder "Lilith, you need to go home." He says in between breaths "it isn't safe right now, go, I'll call you later."

I nod and start to turn away but I'm pulled back, Matthias giving me a hard kiss that screams run and be safe.  In the heat of the moment, my adrenaline pumping "I love you." I quickly say as I put the bag on my shoulders. I manage to blush even in the most hectic situations. 

He widens his eyes at the confession, wiping the sweat off his face and grins, as though nothing urgent is going on. "I love you too."

With that I'm able to push myself off and Matthias does too, running in opposite directions. I crack a smile as I dart through the streets at his words. Panic starts to seep through me as I near my house. Will he make it home? Will he be safe? Did they see us?

I push myself a little more as I rush push through the backyard door and slam it, making my mom jump. "What are you doing Lilith?" She exclaims, clutching her chest as if I almost gave her a heart attack.

I'm going to have one myself. I collapse on the grass as my eyes start to blur. Matthias has to be alright. "I-I was trying to beat my time." I manage to let out.

"Well next time don't go jumping through the door, you gave me a fright." She sighs as she goes back to tending her garden.

I wipe away my sweat, still encased in fear I let my tears fall as I hide my head in my knees. Everything is out, it's over.

Facadeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें