*Chapter 6 - Anna

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  It had been two weeks and Niall was doing remarkably well at not talking to Harry. As much as it hurt, Harry had to give him some credit for it, the man was stubborn. He had called, texted, even tweeted him and Niall hadn't answered or replied. Of course, Harry being Harry wouldn't shut up about it, at all. He kept asking Louis things like 'do you think he'll ever talk to me again?' And 'what if he leaves the band because of me?' And if he was being honest, Louis didn't really care. He had a baby to take care of and didn't need to be worrying about some mess Harry had made. Harry could clean it up, Louis' priority was his family.
   "Do you have her bibs and her blue dinosaur?" Louis asked as he folded his last shirt into his black suitcase. They were packing for tour.
"Yeh, they're all washed and the dinosaur is in the diaper bag." Harry replied, entering with his daughter in one arm and a cup of tea for Louis in the other.
"Thanks Hazz." He said, accepting the tea and kissing him on the cheek. "And thank you Kennedy, I'm sure daddy wouldn't have been able to make this tea without your help." He cooed, kissing both her cheeks and forehead. She stared up at him as her little mouth made an 'o'. Harry chuckled and layed her in her bassinet.
"I don't know if I'm gonna be able to last without Niall on this tour babe." Harry said, rummaging around for his stuff.
Louis rolled his eyes and busied himself elsewhere.
"He's not dead Harry. He's coming on tour." He said.
"I know, but if he doesn't talk to me, he may as well not be coming." Harry said, thinking out loud.
"Well that's selfish. Don't you think Briana would love him to be at home, taking care of her and the baby like you did? And also, how could you say he may as swell not be coming? There's other people in this band besides you Harry. Just because he won't talk to you doesn't mean the rest of us don't want him there." Louis said, maybe a bit more 'mom-like' than he'd meant. Harry didn't really respond. Louise rolled his eyes again. "And honestly Hazz I can't say I blame him. You know how scary it was to tell everyone we were pregnant, I'm not saying you did it on purpose, I know you wouldn't, but that doesn't make it better." Louis said bluntly. Harry nodded sadly and turned to 'sort' through their closet.
  Neither spoke for a few minutes, just avoiding each-others gaze and getting their clothes in order. The silence was broken, however, when Louis heard a sniffle and turned to see Harry, wiping a tear from his cheek. Louis sighed.
"Don't cry Hazz. C'mere,' he said, holding out his arms. Harry walked over and engulfed his husband in a hug. They sat down as Harry still cried on Louis' shoulder.
"I-I just, (sniff) I don't want him to hate me. I didn't, (sniff) mean to ruin i- it all." Harry sobbed as Louis 'consoled' him. Of course, he hated to see Harry cry, it was the worst sight in the world, but he felt Harry was overreacting. He made a mistake and he was gonna have to man up and take it. "And you're not even on my side. (Sniff) you're supposed to support me." Harry blubbered. Louis was admittedly slightly taken aback by this.
"Harry, love, just because I always support you doesn't mean I always agree with what you do. I stick by you, I always will, but what you did was stupid and Niall needs time to forgive you. He will, trust me, but it's not gonna happen over night." Louis said. This seemed to be agreeable to the crying chocolate-curled boy and he sat up, wiping his eyes.
"Then I'll give him as much time as he needs. Thank you Boo." Harry said, still sniffling.
"It's what I'm here for my love. Now finish packing, tour waits for no man." He said, getting up and setting about getting the last load of laundry on.

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