*Chapter 7 - Anna

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"Ok Lou we're leaving!" Harry called up the stairs to his husband who was freaking out about if they had all of Kennedy's things.
"Harry where's Kennedy!?" Louis cried, appearing at the top of the stairs.
"She's right here Lou." Harry chuckled. Louis breathed a sigh of relief before coming down to join his family. Paul had taken their bags to the mini-van and all that was left was to lock up.
"Are you ready for your first tour baby girl?" Louis asked as Harry handed Kennedy to him.
"I think she's excited." Harry said. Louis rolled his eyes at his husbands silliness and thanked him as Harry opened the van door for him.
  The trip to the airport was short, and as they got closer the prospect of seeing Niall played on Harry's mind. Louis noticed and took his hand. Harry smiled and nuzzled into Louis' shoulder, soaking in the quiet time since Kennedy was asleep and soon they'd be on a flight to Canada to start touring the world once again. Of course, they loved it, but it wasn't easy. Harry couldn't remember the last landmark he'd seen as visits to countries usually only lasted hours and consisted of cramped hotel rooms and van rides. He p ut the thought to the back of his mimd as they pulled up at the airport. Harry gave Louis a quick kiss before the van door was pulled open by none other than Liam.
"Hey lads! Long time no-see" he chirped. Harry and Louis quickly hopped out of the van and embraced their best friend.
"Where's my niece then?" Liam asked. Harry turned around and reached in to clip her out of her car seat.
"Right here, god you couldn't even wait one minute. I'm starting to think you only hang out with us to get to Kennedy." He joked. Liam brushed him off, practically snatching the baby from Harry's arms.
"Hi little one, I've missed you so much. Way more that Uncle Niall." Liam cooed, turning around and going for a little walk with her.
   "He has missed her you know" Louis said to Harry, who had gone quiet since Liam's comment about Niall.
"Yeh right." Harry said. Louis sighed.
"He has. He's texted so many times. Asked how she is and if she's grown out of anything because he wants to get her new stuff. It's sweet." Louis explained. Harry bit his lip.
"So he cares about her but not me." He said bluntly. Louis rolled his eyes.
"You know that's not true. Now c'mon, we've got a flight to catch." He said, taking his husbands hand.
   The flight was long and tiring, especially since Kennedy had decided that a nap was not a good idea, and proceeded to cry for an hour. Louis just took her into the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat rocking her so she wouldn't disturb the other boys. Meanwhile, Niall was keeping his distance and even asked Liam to switch seats with him so he wouldn't have to sit near Harry. Liam thought this was stupid but did it anyway. Harry was heartbroken, but he just put in his earphones and pretended to listen to music, bopping his head occasionally.
  By the time they laned, everyone was well rested apart for, Louis and Harry. Kennedy, of course had fallen asleep the minute the plane landed, sleeping soundly until they got to the hotel. Paul gave them all their rooms and key cards.
"There should be a crib set up for the little one." He said to Harry, holding Kennedys little hand.
"That's great thanks Paul. See you later." Harry said.
"Ok you have everything?" Louis asked as they called the lift. Harry nodded, smiling weakly.
"I'm sorry Niall was like that on the plane." Louis said truthfully. Harry nodded.
"It's not your fault babe. You were right, I've only myself to blame." Harry admitted. Louis side and fussed over Kennedy.
   "Well Kennedy what do you think? Your first hotel room is pretty great innit?" Louis said, bopping Kennedy in his arms around the room. Her little face full of wonder at the new surroundings. He laughed, nuzzling into her little cheek, leaving kisses everywhere. He smiled and he beamed down at her, soaking in her little features. Suddenly, he felt strong, familiar arms wrap around his waist, and a soft set of curls tickle his face.
"I think she likes it." Harry said happily. Louis turned his head to lock their lips together. They stayed there for a minute, just enjoying being together.
"Oi, keep it PG there's a baby here boys." Liam said, entering their room.
"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Louis said sassily, smacking his lips and putting a hand on the small of Harry's back. Liam just shrugged and took Kennedy.
"I'm sorry you had to see that my love." He whispered to her. Kissing her head. They laughed.
"We've got a briefing in the board room downstairs in like twenty minutes. I think we're just getting a schedule and stuff. Maybe we could go get drinks after or something?" Liam asked. Louis and Harry exchanged glances.
"Uh, I don't know mate, Kennedy needs to be put down and everything. She'll need a feed at ten as well." Harry said. Liam frowned.
"C'mon lads, I'm sure you could ask Lou, she's staying in with Lux anyway." Liam suggested. Harry thought about this for a moment.
"We cant just pawn her off on someone while we go out and have a laugh." He said. Liam shook his head.
"You're not pawning her off. You're asking Lou to mind her for one evening, and like I said she's not going out anyway. You need a break." Liam insisted. Louis looked at Harry and shrugged.
"It would be nice to get out." He said. Harry nodded slowly.
"Oh alright then." He relented. Liam smiled.
"Yay! Now is it ok if I take her next door? Niall wants to see her." He asked. A lump hardened in Harry's throat. Louis noticed his expression and rubbed his shoulder.
"That's fine Li, just be careful with her." Louis said.
"I always am." Liam replied, saluting them jokingly and got up from his sest on their bed chattering to Kennedy as he left the room.

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