Chapter 16 - Bri

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*This is a month after they find out they are having a boy. Harry is seven months pregnant.*

Louis' POV

After we found out that our baby was a boy, we immeditaly started buying things. Harry went crazy. He was just as bad this time, as he was when I was pregnant with Kennedy. Only thing was, he's seven months pregnant, but I just can't get him to relax. He's constantly on his feet no matter what. Like right now, he's orginazing the nursery for the 100th time.

"Haz, baby, maybe you should sit down for a bit, yeah?" I tell him when I walk into the room with Kennedy perched up on my hip. We can't set her down anywhere with out her wandering off anymore. She can't walk yet, but she can crawl, and she crawls fast. Me and Harry had baby proofed the whole house once she became mobile and I'm glad we did!

"Louis, I'm pregnant, not disable. I'm okay." He tells me as fixes the already perfect blankets in the crib, that I had built a few days ago. He still has two months until he's due but he insisted we do it now, and I couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes. "Yeah you may be okay now, but I don't want you to  over exert yourself. C'mon, relax and cuddle with us!" I tell him giving him a pout. He sighs and nods saying "Okay, but not for long. My mom and Gemma are coming by to drop things off for the baby shower and we need to clean so they have a place to put things." I nod and we go downstairs. Him walking extra slowly, as he can no longer see his feet from his baby bump. When we sit down on the couch Kennedy decides she doesn't want cuddles, and wiggles from my grasp, so I set her on the floor and she crawls to the middle of the room and plays with her toys. 

Harry lays down and puts his head in my lap and I start running my fingers through his curls making him sigh. "What are you thinking about Hazza?" I ask him as I watch Kennedy attempt to stack blocks. He puts his hands on top of his bump and says, "Why do you think he hasn't kicked yet? Kennedy was kicking by now when you were pregnant with her. I'm just worried somethings wrong with him." Iput my hand on his bump and rub it with my thumb, "I'm sure he's fine. The doctor would have told us if something was wrong with him." He sighs and says "Yeah thats true." Before either of us could say anything Kennedy was crawling over to us, Harry turned on his side, keeping his head on my lap and looking at Kennedy. "Hey Love Bug, what are you doing?" I coo to her as she grabs on to my pants legs to help pull herself up, something she had just recently started doing. She giggled at me as I made a funny face and Harry pulled her up and sat her on his chest, right above his bump. She smiled and grabbed his nose and to our surprise says "Dadee!" Harry looks up at me with wide eyes and I mirror his expression. 

Kennedy not knowing she had done anything special, just giggle and repeated the word over and over again. I look back at Harry to see him crying happy tears. I then notice that I'm crying as well. "Lou, help me sit up." He says, moving Kennedy and pushing himself up with my help. I sit Kennedy on my lap and she smiles at me. I coo at her and say "Can you say 'Papa'? You can say Dadee now say Papa." She looked at him for a moment before yelling "PAPA!!" My eyes watered and I looked at Harry and then back at Kennedy "Awe! Bug! Your getting so big!" She squirmed as I pulled her into a hug and pushed me away, which made and Harry chuckle. 

She eventually whined to be put down so I put her down and at that same moment, the door bell rang. Harry gasped, "Oh crap! We didn't clean and now their already here." He gets up as fast as he could, he hads immeditaly going to his back and he rushes into the kitchen. I sigh and grab Kennedy before walking to open the door. 

"Anne, Gemma! It's so nice to see you!" I say as they walked in, and give them hugs before Anne takes Kennedy from me. "Hello Lovely! How are you?! Your getting so big!" She exclaims. "Tell me about it, she talked today!" I say. Anne grins but before she can say anything we hear Gemma scholding Harry, "Harry Edward Tomlinson-Styles! What are you doing?! Sit down!" I hear Harry groan, and I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen with Anne following me. 

"Gemma there's no use in trying to get him to sit down, I've been trying to and he refuses." I say when I get in there. Harry rolls his eyes and then Anne steps in, "Well now his mother is here. Harry, go sit down." Harry whines, "I'm fine. I pro-" Anne cuts him off. "Harry, don't argue with me. You may be fine, but your seven months pregnant, you need to rest." Harry sighs and sits on a kitchen chair, which makes Anne roll her eyes. "I meant on the couch or something. Louis if he refuses to relax call me. Me and Gemma just came to drop this stuff off," She motions to the decorations on the kitchen table. 

"Be ready by noon, I have to pick the cake up at 11:00 so we'll be there at 11:30." Anne says and me and Harry nod. "Will do, Mom! See you then!" Harry says and we say our goodbyes.

After they leave, I look at the clock and see that it's 7:00pm. "Harry? I'm gonna go give Kennedy a bath, and feed her. Why don't you go lay down, and then we can put her to bed and then go to bed ourselves." I say to him and he nods. We get up and I take Kennedy into the bathroom while Harry goes to our bedroom.

I quickly bathe Kennedy and dress her in her pajamas before taking her into mine and Harry's bedroom. "Tell Daddy goodnight!" I coo to her as I lean down and Harry kisses her cheeks. "Night Love bug! I love you!" I smile and take her to her room and lay her in her crib. I turn her night light on and turn the main light off before leaving and cracking the door shut. By the time I get back to the our room Harry is half asleep. Laying on his back with his hands rubbing his baby bump. 

I lay down next to him and peck his lips before saying goodnight and fallinf asleep.


By 11:00am the next day I had set up the decorations that Gemma and Anne had dropped off and blown up the blue and white balloons that Anne told me to tie to the table for the gifts. Anne and Gemma had done like a mustache theme for the decorations and it was really adorable. When I had Kennedy my mom and Lottie planned it and they had done a lady bug theme.

Harry had dressed Kennedy in a blue and white checkered dress with a dark blue bow around her middle and white socks on her feet. (Outfit above.) At 11:45 the door bell rings. I open the door and see Anne and Gemma there, Gemma holding a huge box, which I'm assuming is the cake. "Sorry we're a little late, we had to drive a little slow so we didn't ruin the cake." Before I can answer, Harry walks in holding Kennedy, which I would normally not approve with him so pregnant, but he sees my face and sits down and set Kennedy on her feet in front of him with her holding onto his knees. 

"Can we see the cake?" He asks after greeting them. Gemma nods and opens the box to show us the most adorable cake ever. It was a tier cake and the bottom was grey, the middle was white and top was blue. And it had suspenders, a bowtie and a mustache on it. They had also got little cookies with with bowties and mustaches. We didn't talk much, as we had to finish setting up, since Anne and Gemma went all out. And by 12:15 everyone had showed up. 

Anne and Gemma had set up some little games. And then we ate and while everyone else finished eating, Harry opened presents and I helped him. Anne and Robin got us a bouncer for our little boy along with some little outfits. Gemma got us clothes and a couple blankets. My mom and step-dad and siblings bought us a bassinet, which we thanked them over and over for. Niall and Briana gave us clothes, bottles and pacifers along with a cute baby blanket. Liam and Sophia bought him a teddy bear and and a baby bathtub. And after all of them were opened, they surprised us with a double stroller that they all pitched in on. And you could take the seat off and sit a baby carrier in it. Lou Teasdale couldn't come but she sent her present with Lottie and she bought us a baby swing. 

By the end of it all we were all exhausted so after everyone went home and everything was cleaned up. Me and Harry put Kennedy to bed and then went to bed ourselves.

Forever(Larry Stylinson *MPreg*) BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now