Chapter 17-Anna

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  "And you're sure you can take her? You don't want us to call Gemma or something?" Louis asked Liam for the fiftieth time as he handed Kennedys diaper bag to him."Louis I told you, it's one night, I've babysat her before. Besides, I'm her favourite uncle" Liam assured"Wrong, I think you'll find I'm her favourite, and her godfather, so I win." Niall butted in from his seat on Harry and Louis' couch. 

"Shouldn't you be leaving now, you know back to your house with your wife and son to eat your own food?" Louis asked sarcastically. Niall shrugged and dipped his hand into the bag of Doritos again. Louis rolled his eyes and turned back to Liam."Be good for Liam ok babybeans, me and your daddy love you very much" he said, before kissing his daughter on the head and placing her into Liam's free arm. "Bye dadee" she whisperered in her slow voice. Both boys smiled and said their goodbyes. Liam had offered to take Kennedy for a night so that Harry and Louis could get everything sorted for the new baby, rather than try to paint and put up a crib with her running around. 

"Why are you here again?" Louis asked Niall jokingly. "Harry said ye needed help with the furniture n'all" Niall replied. Louis' brow furrowed."He underestimates my man skills" he said, bulging his muscles."Don't underestimate, just have realistic expectations" harry chirped, entering the room with a box of baby clothes in his hands."Let me carry that" Louis rushed, attempting to grab the box."No." Harry said simply, brushing passed him and setting it down on the table. Louis rolled his eyes. "So, the new crib is in pieces on the floor. Once it's built we wanna give it a coat or two of paint because it was Louis' so it's a bit old and grubby." Harry explained."That's sweet, family heirlooms n'all" Niall mused, standing up."Yeh Jay said she didn't need it, she also gave us mountains of baby clothes, along with my mum, and Liam's, and everyone's really. I must say I love your 'I heart Ireland' shamrock onesie Nialler, even considering it as a going Home outfit!" Harry joked. "Shut up, that onesie's been through thick and thin. What else?" Niall asked. 

 "Well the changing table needs doing as well. I swear you'd think there's twins in here, we have two of everything now!" Harry chuckled fondly. Louis and Niall went an odd colour and were silent."It's not twins, god no. One and one only thanks." Harry confirmed, patting his belly. "Oh thank god" Louis breathed. They all laughed and headed upstairs to sort out the nursery for their next arrival. "Where do you want this, Queen?" Louis asked, bowing with a box of baby clothes in his arms. Harry, who was lounged on a padded rocking chair with his legs on top of another box rolled his eyes."Give it here I'll fold them and separate the pink things from the really pink things. I don't mind if he's in girl onesie's but I think he'll never forgive us if he sees pictures in this hot pink tutu." Harry chuckled, ruffling the skirt. "And I'll remind you that you're the one who insists I sit down and not pick up so much as a pen". Louis just shrugged and leaned down to kiss Harry before resuming his work with Niall painting the crib. 

 "We would give you Noah's stuff but he's only just fitting newborn stuff now." Niall pitched in. Harry smiled."How is he?" He asked. "Really good. Just like a normal newborn now pretty much. We still have to go to the hospital twice a week but that will change in a bit." Niall explained. After a few hours the room looked pretty much good to go. The crib was painted white, while the walls were grey and light Aqua. Harry had decided it was classier then typical blue for their boy. The changing table was white too, and the mat what chevron grey and Aqua. A few teddies were lined up on the window sill, and all his clothes were folded or hung up in the wardrobe. Pictures that mostly Harry had taken lined the walls. Most were of their little family, Kennedy, ultrasounds or the boys, and some frames were empty waiting to be filled with pictures of their son. 

Harry beamed as he stood back and admired the work of his wonderful husband and best friends, before snapping pictures for the other boys and Twitter, along with the group chat Harry and and Louis had with their mums and sisters. Needless to say everyone was in awe at how adorable it all was. "Well boys, what's the plan?" Niall asked, being the last to sit down on the couch in Louis and Harry's living room, surrounded by the boys, Briana , Sophia, along with Noah in a bouncer and Kennedy waddling around with a baby doll clutched in one hand. "Well I think we're all going to be increasingly busy with personal lives, without adding a tour into the mix." Liam said, squeezing Sophia's hand that now bore a modest engagement ring, while nodding towards Noah and Harry's baby bump. 

Everyone nodded and the two women smiled relievedly-they wouldn't be left alone again. "I mean, the fans aren't going anywhere, for now at least. I think they'll understand. As long as they hear from us regularly and get a sufficient number of baby pictures, I think everyone will be alright with it. I for one am coming back!" Harry said. Everyone agreed. "So basically we just take this to Modest!, sign a bunch of shit and then do whatever for a year and a half, then pack everyone up and show the new additions the world" Niall said. "Pretty much Nialler yeh" Louis chuckled. "Well that's fine by me, wife, kid and a holiday. Life's great." He mused. Everyone awed when he leant over to kiss Briana and stroke Noah's head that he couldn't quite reach with his lips. "Well everyone Harry looks quite beat we should probably pack it in." Liam's said. 

 "What? No no, me? I'm fine, I thought we were going for dinner?!" Harry squeaked. Louis narrowed his eyes."Harry, that wasn't very convincing." He said, whilst attempting to tie Kennedy's hair into something semi-presentable. She wriggled and squirmed until Louis finally gave up and gave her to Sophia who had it mastered in minus three seconds."Look I said I'm fine and I want breadsticks." Harry huffed, "now help me up dearest husband." Louis rolled his eyes but extended his arm anyway. The restaurant was everyone's favourite and nearby. They were all seated and drinks and conversation were flowing, Harry had gotten his breadsticks and everyone was happy, content, and for the fist time on a long time it felt like the family was truly back together. 

"This is nice innit? I've missed this." Louis said as he ran his hand up and down Harry's thigh. Harry smiled,"Mmm yeh, just like old times." Harry agreed. He gazed around the table, Liam and Sophia were snuggled close, Briana was feeding Noah as Niall stroked his,little foot that was poking out of the blanket, Kennedy was happily munching on some bread in her high chair. He couldn't help but feel the absence of their fifth band mate and his blonde haired girlfriend that they had all loved so dearly, but it was ok, they were happy. 

 Suddenly, Harry felt a twinge in his stomach. He flinched, his face contorting in pain."Harry baby what's wrong?"Louis asked, panic in his features. "Oh it's, ah fuck, um I think maybe the baby might be coming" he said quietly. Louis took a deep breath."Ok, it's ok, your going to be fine. Just sit tight and I'll sort our stuff." Louis said, kissing Harry's temple. Harry nodded and stroked his bump and sides."Ok guys not to freak anyone out but Harry thinks the baby might be coming now, so I mean, we're going to have to go!" Louis chuckled nervously, standing up. Everyone's mouth dropped open."What, now? But, Kennedy and what? Now?!!" Niall spluttered as he and Liam both jumped up. Harry nodded sheepishly. 

"We'll take Kennedy" Sophia said, reaching up to hold Liam's hand. "I'll drive you both."Niall said, leaning down to kiss his family goodbye and getting his keys out of his pocket."Sorry guys." Harry breathed, wincing as another pain came and dulled."Don't be ridiculous Harry we're all here for you both. Can't wait to meet this little guy." Briana smiled. "You'll do great yeh?" Sophia smiled. Harry nodded and a very red faced, hyperventilating Liam along with a calm Louis and a hyper Niall attempted to help Harry out of the chair."Liam calm down or sit down." Louis said sternly."Sorry I'm just, uh, um, scared." He said. Harry looked at him in disbelief."Join the club." Liam sheepishly hugged both boys before returning to his seat."Good luck lads, everything will be fine." Briana called as they made their way to the footpath and around to where the car was parked.  

Forever(Larry Stylinson *MPreg*) BOOK #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora