Epilogue - Bri

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This is going to be short, and I apologize for it! 

*Harry's POV*

Nolan is now a month old. Things have been tough, but we're making things work. Me and Louis have made it a habit to make sure one of us has the baby moniter on us at all times when Nolan is not in our eye sight. With Kennedy it was always in the same room at least, but she could hear us, Nolan can't and it's made us paranoid. 

Nolan has stolen everyones hearts and since he was born people are constantly coming over. Kennedy loves Nolan to pieces and talks about him to anyone who will listen. Noah loves him too and more often then not when Niall and Briana come over with him, Noah and Kennedy are trying to play with him and they don't seem to understand that he can't. 

Me and Louis have decided that we're gonna wait til Nolan is six months old to get him hearing aids. That way he'll actually be able to respond to the sound better than he can now. The fans have also fallen in love with him and we find presents for him outside the house all the time. 

We've also found out that he loves to swing in his baby swing, which is good for us because if we need to get something done we can just set him in it and he's good for at least 45 minutes. 

At the moment Kennedy is taking a nap and Louis is watching a football game with Nolan laying on his chest while I'm doing the dishes. I smile when I hear Louis start talking, "I know you can't hear me baby boy, but I just hope you know how much I all love you. I know I didn't act like it when your Daddy first found out about you but your my little man and your sister is my princess and I love you guys and your Daddy so much. And I will... Forever."


Kind of a cheesy ending but I think it's kind of cute too! There will be a sequel!

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