Chapter 6

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Out of all of the people who tried to join the challenges(which was twenty) only fourteen were accepted. Carter among them. Word got around about what had happened at Crazy Chad's house, and now people were placing bets on other people.

Including me.

It was Saturday, and I was in the middle of my work shift when I got a text from Donald Logan saying:

Hey! Meet tomorrow at the gully at 12:00. No parachutes allowed.

I had no idea what that meant, but I was so distraught I forgot I was supposed to be stocking up shelves and drove right home from Walmart.

Now a day later, I got fired from Walmart but hired at Seven Eleven, forgot to wash my clothes, and realized the next challenge was coming up.

Ella had come over,(this time sober) and asked me what I was going to wear.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I don't go thinking bout clothing every second of my life!" I cried, Ella laughing on the bed.

"Fine. I choose for you." she dug through my drawer while I had a silent panic attack inside my mind.

"You can wear these black shorts with this gray crop top." she showed me my outfit, and I struggled it on while thinking about the challenge ahead.

"Ray, we're heading out!" I cried. Ray screamed back at me:


"Yeah bye Ray!" Ella exclaimed, giggling like a crazy girl. When we got in the car I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You know Ray has a girlfriend, right?"

She shrugged.

"So does Dodge, but we still-"

"Never mind!" I screamed, turning on the radio super loud. I did not want to know about her love life. We pulled up at the gully, people already staggering around and laughing as the next person threw up.

"Okay, see ya!" Ella told me, the headed straight to the tequila shots. I rolled my eyes, then began to walk around, smiling at people who would keep on congratulating me. Trinity had came up to me without Carter and smiled real fake as she said,

"Oh by the way, good job last night with stealing Crazy Chad's shotgun. I could of done that, you know." and that's when I said,

"Bitch." in French, since my mom used to speak to us in French when we were little. Trinity walked away, and I headed straight over to Ashton, who was reading against a tree.

"Hey Ashton." I said when I sat next to him. He almost jumped.

"Oh, sup Natalie. Awesome work yesterday. I told you I knew you could do it!" I smiled, which made my cheeks hurt a bit, since I hardly ever smiled to people other than my brother.

"Thanks. I almost got bitten in the ass though. That was unfortunate."

Ashton laughed, which was a surprise, since I always thought his laugh would be a dorky one, but it was quite the opposite: a soothing laughter that made me want to laugh along too.

"Well, that stunt that you did yesterday made you highest in the betting slips." he informed me, and I reeled back in my friendly-ness.

"I know. See you around." Ashton frowned at me, but nodded. I got up and wiped myself off, then was about to leave when he called after me,

"You know, I'm still willing to help you."

I stopped walking and turned on my heel. Ashton was still sitting against the tree, book in hand. His black emo hair was styled differently today. I smiled at him.

"No thanks. I think I got this under control." I walked away towards the drink table and noticed there was only alcohol and a small water cooler full of juice for the margarita drinks. I picked up a bottle of pink lemonade that had no alcohol in it and poured some in a cup, then sipped the sweet beverage while leaning against the table. Unfortunately, Ricky had the same idea.

"Oh, hey there honey. I must be a bee, cause I'm attracted to you." I snorted.

"Ricky, you are attracted to anything that walks. Go away."

Ricky leaned in towards me, so close that I could smell the beer in his breath.

"What if I don't?" he asked, bringing his hand towards my stomach. I threw up in my mouth.

"Ricky, get off me." I pulled away from him and stomped away, but he had already grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his chest.

That was enough for me.

"I said, LET GO!" I pulled the arm that was wrapped around me around his back and pined it between his shoulder-blades, then pressed it upwards.

"Natalie! It was just a joke!" Ricky gasped. I pressed it harder.

"Oh, so your Mr. Funny guy huh? You think girls are just fucking objects put here for your pleasure? Well guess what, this is one girl you won't claim." I whispered in his ear, then let go of him. Ricky looked at me with awe, then grinned.

"You're okay Marks." he walked away, and I felt suddenly exhausted.

"Hey, you okay there?" I tensed up. I would of know that voice if it had whispered in the middle of a heavy metal concert.

"Carter." I muttered, turning around. There he was, looking hotter than ever right before my green eyes. He smiled.

"Surprise! Just wanted to congratulate you for winning the challenge yesterday." I blinked at his words. No 'I'm sorry I broke your heart''? No 'I'm sorry I ruined your life'?

"Yeah, thanks." I managed, but my anger began to bubble underneath my skin, moving around my body until I had to use all my willpower to not shake in rage.

"Although," Carter said, leaning in so no one could hear him.

"I would quit now, before you get hurt." I lost it. I grabbed his collar and pulled him close to me, close enough for our nose's to touch.

"You have no right to tell me what and what not to do Carter Bloom." I told him, staring right at those blue eyes I had fallen for before.

But now I felt on hatred for them.

Carter gulped, smiling nervously.

"It's just friendly advice, that's all."

"Correction. Last time I checked, you were done with me. You said so yourself. Why the change of mind so suddenly? Did Trinity give you an STD that made your brain turn into Swiss cheese?" I growled at him, pushing him away. I turned around, but another idea popped into my head.

"Wait..." I said, slowly turning around, savoring the possibility.

"Carter, did you join the challenges?" Carter nodded.

"I know why you want me to quit. You are afraid of me." I said, jabbing a finger in his face. Carter laughed nervously.

"What?! No I'm not! Why would I be afraid of a girl?! Much less you, you little-"


"May the best player win." I turned around and ran towards the water, where Donald Logan was already waiting for us. He smiled when he saw me.

"Okay, so this is the new challenge. The first person to climb that rock and reach the ledge, then jump off into the water before anyone else is the winner of this challenge."

My stomach did I dive bomb into my shoes. I was going to gave to climb that stupid rock again.

And jump to my death back to the water.

But I was willing to do it if it meant leaving Brook forever.

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