Chapter 17

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The next day, I had spent almost the whole day with my brother, and we pretended it was just another weekend together, and not the day before I left.

Later, I had called over Ashton, and we spend the rest of the day talking about random stuff, as best friends should do.

"Did you ever do anything about Amanda?" I had asked him, and he pushed me, while I laughed my pants off.

"No. She has feelings for Michael Cooper." I stopped laughing, because I felt bad for him, so I tried cheering him up by saying,

"I bet he gave her herpes, and maybe a baby too." he laughed at that, and his laughter soothed me.

"Hey, can you drive me to the airport tomorrow?" I asked him, and he glanced at me.

"Wouldn't your brother want to drive you there?" I bit my lip until I was sure it would bleed.

"Ray doesn't want to drive me out to the airport tomorrow. He says he can't take it." I explained, and Ashton sat in silence for a second, then nodded.

"Sure, I'll drive you out. Nothing better than driving your best friend to a place where you won't see her again." I punched him softly.

"Be quiet. You're going to make me sad."

He grinned real big.

"That's my objective."

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