Chapter 12

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This time, I was watching a movie with Ray when I got a text from Donald again, this time saying,

'Good job on your assignment last night. Meet up at the gully again at 12:00. hope you're not afraid of drowning.'

I almost choked on the chocolate bar I was eating. Ray frowned at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked, and I tried to act normal.

"Oh, no, nothing. I ate too fast. Hey, that dude just died!" Ray snapped his attention towards the TV again, while I tried real hard not to look like I was going to be sick.

A while later, I called Ashton and told him about my text.

"Whoa. You think you might have to... I don't know, hold your breath for more than normal?"

"I seriously don't know Ashton." I admitted while picking out my outfit. Ever since the little blow out at the Robinson house Ella hasn't talked to me, which I was kind of glad of.

"Well, I'll meet you there near the drink table. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up, then went to Ray's room, where he was listening to music on his bed without a shirt on.

"Ray, do you think the mustard colored shirt looks good with the olive shorts or the white shirt looks good with the olive shorts?" I asked him, holding up the two options. Ray glanced up and bit his lip.

"The white one." he went back to listening to music, and I shrugged. I put on the white shirt and let my curly hair how it was. I picked up my bag and told Ray,

"I'm out."

Ray nodded and smiled, then went back to his music. I got my car keys just when I remembered:

I was supposed to answer Carter's question last night.

With a shaking hand I opened the car door and turned on the engine.

I had to answer his question today.

I drove down to the gully, pondering whether or not I should say yes when I realized I was already there.

"Hey, Nat!" Ashton ran over to me as I got out of the car. I smiled when I saw him.

"Hey Ashton. I thought we were supposed to meet at the-"

"People are talking about you." I closed my mouth. Ashton glanced at someone: Amanda Scott: across the beach. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You like Amanda Scott?" I asked him, mockery in my voice. Ashton blushed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Hey, uh, I'll be right back." Ashton walked towards her, and I smiled, but I could not stop thinking about what he had said.

People were talking about me.

I finally noticed people were staring at me, so I cleared my throat and shouldered my way towards the drink table, ignoring peoples stares as I poured some margarita juice in my cup and sipped it quietly.

I'm not brokenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang