Chapter 19

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I walked out of the airplane cabin and entered the New Jersey airport, which was about five hundred times bigger than the Brook airport. I marveled at everything around me, and I pulled out my phone and called Ashton.

"Hey." he said.

"Bro, the New Jersey airport is huge! Already I saw about five Starbuck's on the way towards my gate, and that's just walking down fifty feet."

"Wahoo! Go white girls!" he shouted through the phone, and I giggled.

"Ashton, I have a problem." I informed him, my jolly mood turning sour.

"I don't have a place to stay, or many money in my pocket." Ashton was silent for a second, then he told me,

"Check your purse. I left you something as a parting gift. Hope you like it. I have to go." he hung up, and I walked to my gate and sat down, then rummaged through my purse until I found my wallet. It was nothing special, only a fake brown leather wallet with a small threading of a flower in the front.

Then I remembered I had no wallet.

I shook my head at the possibility. He wouldn't, right?

I opened the wallet and found a credit card with my name on it. I set down my wallet and stared at it.

"Oh my god Ashton, I can't..." I trailed off and held the credit card to my chest as I let a tear escape my tightly shut eyelids. Ashton, my dear friend, had created a credit card for me, knowing I had no money so I could start a new life by myself in New York without him.

He had accepted who I was.

I stopped my crying and put it away, feeling guilty for leaving Ashton alone in that horrible town, Brook.

I took a deep breath, then got my stuff together right before they said,

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will begin boarding the flight leading to New York. Will First class please go to group 1?" I got up and gathered my stuff, then stood in line next to a man who was reading a book in another language and a guy my age who kept on winking at me and licking his lips.

I gave my passport to the airplane attendant, and he smiled broadly,

"Here you go ma'am, enjoy your flight." I nodded, then looked around for Anthony, who was looking around for me. He made eye contact with me and smiled, and I smiled back.

I entered the plane and looked at my boarding pass.


I sat down in the middle seat next to the same guy that was trying to flirt with me earlier, but instead he looked sick to his stomach. I asked him if he was fine.

"Oh, yeah, it's just motion sickness. I'm-" he ran down the aisle towards the bathroom, and I silently cursed Donald Logan for making me sit next to a person like that man. I waited for more people to come in, and once the man sitting next to me came back, he grabbed his things and said,

"I changed seats, sorry to disappoint you. I know you wanted to get with me, but..."

"Bitch!" I cried, gagging. He scowled and left. I sighed and waited for someone to take the remaining seat, since the window seat was taken by a man who looked like he owned a whole bunch of businesses and was drinking tea out of a legit tea cup.

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