Chapter 11

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It was now 9:45 and I was using a black tank-top with a black sweater along with black leggings and black Chuck Taylors. I had tucked my black hair into a bandana, and Ashton was dressed similarly when we met up at my house.

"Let's do this." I muttered, then got in his car and drove down near the Baker's house, since we didn't want it to seem suspicious.

"Remember the plan." he muttered, and I nodded softly, then got out and ran to the back of the house. So far, no alarm has turned on, so I was off to a good start. I looked at the window that was in the basement and turned on my keychain flashlight. I fingered the window, until I finally came upon a crack in the middle of the hinges.

"Oh yeah." I said, then put the keychain flashlight in between my teeth as I opened it more and more. Just to make sure, I put one hand in to see if any alarm would go off.


I had a little celebration in my head, then slid in, landing almost silently. I flashed the light across the basement and saw boxes of books and other things, but when I saw the light glisten off a different box, I almost peed my pants.

It was the vault.

As quietly as I could, I moved the boxes covering the vault, my light in between my teeth until it was open to view.

"How the hell am I going to open this?" I whispered to my self, then fished out my bobby pin and tried to pick at the lock.

I suddenly realized I was committing a crime, and I could go to jail if I got caught. I pushed that thought out of my mind.

I had to get out of Brook, one way or another.

I glanced at the window to see if Ashton had done his part of the job, but I saw no light yet.

"Please, please, let him be successful." I prayed. Ashton's job was to enter through the kitchen window that was opened all the time(we checked) and steal the salt shaker and shot glass, while I had to get the object inside the vault. After many more minutes of trying to open the vault and breaking two bobby pins in the process, the vault clicked open. I almost sobbed, taking out my phone and taking a picture for proof. I glanced at what was inside:

Another fucking gun.

Now, I knew it had to be something dangerous or of high value for the Bakers to put something in a vault, but did it really have to be a gun? The dream of my dad pulling the trigger, falling to his knees, his brains splayed across the wall washing over my mind.

I gingerly picked it up. It was a hand gun, small and cold against my palm. I saw a flash of light from the corner of my eye and sighed, then tucked the gun inside my waistband, then stacked up some boxes like steps and climbed out of the basement. I closed the window, then turned off my flashlight. I saw Ashton getting in the driver's seat, and I counted up to five before I sprinted for the car.

"Go, go!' I yelled once I got in and strapped on my seatbelt.

"I'm going, I'm going!" he shouted back and hit the gas. We drove down the road in silence, until once we were on I-35 I turned to Ashton.

"Did you get it?" I asked, and Ashton smiled.

"Right here." he pointed to his bag. I opened it and found the salt shaker and the shot glass. I laughed out loud, and could not stop.

We did it.

I was getting out of Brook.

"Did you get what was in the vault?" he asked, eyes glued on the road. I noticed his knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel. I took out the gun from my waistband.

"I even took a picture to prove we were there." I told him, and Ashton inhaled, and I saw his grip loosen on the wheel.

"Take exit 53." I informed him, and he glanced at me.


"You'll see." I shut my mouth, then put my head on the window and watched us get off the highway and into a ghetto neighborhood. I looked for the house I thought was the one, then told Ashton to stop the car.

"I'll be right back." I grabbed the salt shaker, shot glass, and gun and went up the porch steps. I rang the door bell and waited.

"Yeah- oh." Donald Logan was at the door, in only his blue boxers and a bathrobe. He immediately tied it around in waist.

"Natalie! What a wonderful surprise! What do you want?" I shoved the objects in his arms.

"I predict you wanted these from the Bakers house?" I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture I took in the basement. His mouth flung open.

"Natalie, how in the world did you-"

"You forget, I have a partner in crime. His name is Ashton Smith. I suggest you have something to say?"

"Do I." Donald said, wiggling an eyebrow at me. I glared at him.

"Okay fine! Natalie Marks, you are the winner of the challenge! Now, may I please get back to my movie?"

I smiled, then nodded.

"You may." I walked back to the car and sat down, then smiled smugly.

"You won the challenge, didn't you?" Ashton asked, his black emo hair sticking straight up.

"Yes I did, and it was all because of you." I patted his back, and he smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks. Now, can we please go home? I need to spend the rest of the night freaking out because I just realized I robbed a house." I laughed, and we pulled away. 

I was going to win this.

And I was going to win it good.

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