Chapter 10

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I called Donald on a Sunday. It was Monday, and I had called in at work. The Bakers are the most wealthiest people that lived in Brook, meaning they had their whole house wired up with alarms in case people might try to break in.

Including me.

So now I was at Ashton's couch, munching on some Doritos while we brainstormed ways to get in.

"We could find a way to enter from their basement." he suggested. I pondered the option.

"How would we- oh." I shut up and kept on murdering my Dorito's.

"When do you want to start?" he asked, stealing a chip from my hands.

"Tonight when it's dark. Best to do it when it's dark." Ashton nodded, and I left his house, then went back home.

"Ray!" I yelled when I passed through the door.

"Yep!" my brother poked his head out the bathroom, and I felt a flood of relief rush into my chest.

"Hey, where were you last night? I left you like 20 messages." Ray's head disappeared once more inside the bathroom, while I went in my room and looked for anything black to wear tonight.

I was looking for something to wear to a break in.

The horrible realization of what I was going to do finally sank in, and I almost choked on air.

But I was going to have to pretend nothing was happening, or else Ray might notice.

"I was at Avery's house." Ray said after a while, and I went out once more to the living room and stared at him.

"I am too young to be an aunt." I informed him, but he rolled his green eyes at me.

"No, I didn't stay for that. My tire was flat, so I had to stay the night."

I gave him my famous look.

"But, we might of-"

"RAY!" I screamed, then ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. Did he not know that it was a great responsibility to raise a child?! Most importantly, he didn't have the money to even sustain us, much less a baby.

"I was kidding Nat! You don't have to take it so seriously!" Ray shouted through the door, and I opened it.

"I know, Ray, I know. You're too smart to do a mistake like that." He pulled me into a hug, and a small smile escaped my mouth.

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