Chapter 3 (Revealed)

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Kayley looked down as she walked along with the hallway with Grim by her side. She couldn't look up at his face, cause he was too scary. She actually thought he wanted to murder her in her sleep whenever she sees him glaring and balling his fists. He has the look of a good looking thug, but the act of a high scho ol dark and mysterious boy.

He was silent as they walked, looking up or at least that was what the last thing she saw before she looked down. Apparently, Walter sent him here in case anyone bumped into her again. Honestly she thought that was sweet, but didn't want Grim to do it. But she also didn't want to be rude, so she kept quiet and went along with it.

When Kayley peeked to look up at him, he was staring up ahead. As they walked by people, they went against the wall, waiting for them to finish passing. Kayley thought this was dreadful, mostly because with everyone running away from Grim, he probably was lonely besides his other friends.

She stared at Grim for a few minutes before growing the courage to actually speak to him. "Um, Grim?"

He didn't look down at her, but still answered with his cool voice. "What?"

"Thanks for the protection." He nodded in response, still looking ahead. He wasn't even glaring, and his gray eyes looked like they were filled with malevolence. "Um, are you lonely?" He tensed, and didn't say a word. Kayley gasped, she hadn't realized she had hit a nerve. She stopped walking, and stared sadly at him. He stopped and turned around to glare at her, most likely for stopping. She in response looked down, scared. "I'm sorry."

She felt her wrist been grabbed, and dragged. She looked up to see he was pulling her down the hallway, angrily. She looked around at the terrified stares, most likely ones that are terrified for her. She tried to pull her hand out of his grasp, but he kept it tight and dragged her to an empty hallway.

He let go of her wrist, and turned to glare at her. She waited for what he was going to do next, seeming how angry he was she couldn't guess it'd be good. He crossed his arms, and stood silently as if he was waiting for her to speak. She said nothing, and waited herself.

Several moments later, he finally said, "What's with you?"

Kayley widened her eyes, she wasn't expecting that question. "Nothing. Just I feel really...sad for y- "

"Stop," He demanded, "I don't need anyone feeling bad for me. That's some stupid recipe for disaster."

"But, with everyone looking at you like you're a murderer, it seems like you must be- "

"Lonely?" He wasn't glaring anymore, but walking away instead. Kayley widened her mouth in shock, and moved to follow him. She was going to reply when he spoke first. "You stare at me like that too, so don't act like you care." Kayley opened her mouth to retort, but he stopped walking and looked back at her. She wanted to run to him the moment she saw his eyes, they were filled melancholy and apathy. "Besides the only loneliness I would ever get is with a girl in my bedroom." With that, he walked away. Kayley wanted to cry, he did look scary but that didn't mean he deserved that kind of treatment. No wonder he was distant, well Kayley wanted to change that. She had to get Grim to more open to her, to make him less lonely.


Sena was walking on her way to lunch with Joey by her side, they bumped into each other in the restroom and were both headed to yeah. They were speaking about the teachers and how they could irritate the students. They were a pain in the ass, sometimes.

But honestly, Sena thought they were really benefiting her. It was the best way to learn with those who had already learned, she got smart through their studies. It was amazing.

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