Chapter 18 (Screwed)

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Kylie smiled as she opened her locker. She couldn't help but keep thinking about yesterday when Kayley finally got together with Grim. She looked so happy, compared to her mood before then. Kylie was happy for her, yet envied.

Kayley had guy who was crazy for her, and Kylie didn't. Most guys Kylie's been with she was the one who asked them out. Not the other way around. First it was Sena who had Jake, now Kylie who had Grim. A pattern.

Somehow the thought made her think about Lyle, the guy who pretended he never kissed her. He said he didn't and called her a liar, she could only assume he was denying it or reply didn't remember at all. The guy was wasted. Which Kylie disapproved of, and loathed the events.

Though, he was just probably embarrassed to kiss her in the first place, and is ashamed to mention it at all. There are many options to this, and she knew she could come up with many. S- wait.

She didn't know why she was thinking about him, he didn't deserve to be thought of. She eating her to thinking about him when she could just go and do something productive. Yeah, that's what she should do. Something productive.

She grabbed her books, and closed her locker. With a deep breath, she moved away to head for the next period which was in six minutes. She could arrive easily on time since she was on the same floor for this class, so it was fine.

She would've made the first few steps if someone hadn't slapped her shoulder.

"Chatty!" A happy exclamation sounded.

Kylie sighed, and turned her around with a nervous expression. She did not want this to happen, even if it wasn't the person was expecting to talk to.

She gave a weak wave to the very same person who might kill her after she might find out what happened and how he felt about it. "Hi."

Joey furrowed her eyebrows, but kept her smile. "Wow, you look miserable."

Kylie nodded, and looked down. Speaking at this moment would probably make her want to spill out everything, and the thought of Joey killing her wasn't helping at all.

"What's wrong with you?"

Kylie shook her head. "Nothing." She looked up, and sighed. "I'm having some issues."

Joey laughed before she even finished that sentence, pulling her hair into a high ponytail. It was then Kylie realized that Joey was sweating. Her neck was shiny, and damp. Kylie only inferred that Joey was working out.

Joey smiled. "Okay chit chatty. What are your issues?"

"Um, boy problems."

Joey raised her eyebrows in shock, but kept her smile. "Well, who is this guy that wants chatty so much?"

Kylie groaned, Joey wasn't helping with that kind of tone she was using. "Stop with the childish voice, and please take it seriously."

Joey fluttered her eyebrows as if she was as innocent as Snow White. "I might if I knew what the problem was."

Kylie nodded. "So there's this guy, and he's kind of a jerk." Joey nodded, and she continued. "He doesn't seem to like me, and I him."

"Keep going." Joey replied, nonchalantly.

"There's this day where he was drunk, and I was helping him." Joey sighed, and Kylie decided to just come out with it. "He kissed me just to shut me up and I liked it!"

Joey blinked, seeming shocked by Kylie's reaction. "Okay, he kissed you."

Kylie nodded. "Yeah, and when the next day came, I confronted him about it and he denied it completely."

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