Chapter 15 (Plan)

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When Joey entered the room for the club with Kylie, she was immediately bummed. The last time they had fun with the boys that came, she was even wasted. When she looked around, she was greeted with only Sena in the room with Jake by her side.

Joey frowned at the sight, she had thought those two were fighting. Things literally gotten intense between them, from what she remembered before she became drunk. Kylie on the other hand, smiled as she walked in. Her smile turned wider as she looker at the two lovebirds sitting near a table.

Right now, they spoke to each other quietly in hushed voices as smiles plastered on their faces. Well, that was until Joey interrupted them. Kylie tried to stop her, but Joey ignored her and continued forward.

They jolted in shocked when Joey slammed her hands against the table. Joey ignored their wide eyes, and stared at them suspiciously. "When did this happen?"

"After the drunk thing." Sena explained, letting Jake take a hold of her waist. "I didn't remember at first, and was surprised when he came to me with a bright smile on his face."

"Yeah," Jake continued on, kissing Sena's jaw. "I was happy when she remembered, though."

Joey furrowed her eyebrows, she was curious. "Which one of you apologized?"

"Me." Sena answered proudly, smiling wider.

Joey nodded, and turned around. "Get a room."

"No, it's okay." Jake said. Joey turned to look at him with another curious eye. "Now that you guys are here, I could meet up with the guys before heading home." He kissed and murmured bye to Sena before standing up and walked away. He got out the door, offering a short wave to all of them.

"Shame." Jule shook her head as she looked over at Sena. "He didn't want to stay with his girlfriend."

Sena arched an eyebrow in retort. "He can't spend every second with me every single day."

Joey nodded, but said nothing else. Only cause Sena had a pint, and there was no point of arguing about it. Kylie sighed, and sat on a seat with a loud thud. "Where's Kayley?"

Joey honestly wanted to avoid that question, and looked at Sena to start a different conversation. But to her luck, Sena was quiet, waiting for that exact answer. Joey rolled her eyes, and looked up at the ceiling. Curious people were a pain. "She's not coming."

Kylie frowned, concerned. "Why not?"

Joey dragged her eyes irritatedly towards Kylie's direction, disliking her at the moment. "What else? Every typical movie, heartbreak."

"Who broke her heart?" Sena asked, now frowning.

Joey sighed, and moved to sit down on a chair herself. "Who do you expect? The Dark One. Grim."

Sena nodded, and looked away. "That's right, she did like Grim."

"How did he break her heart then?"

Joey turned her gaze back to Kylie, and sighed. Truthfully she wasn't in the mood to answer this question because Kayley blamed her for it, but she obviously felt she had to. "Um, Grim was with another girl. Kinda."

"What do you mean?"

"Grim hugged her!" Joey exclaimed, agitatedly. "He is not the type to hug anyone." Joey sat back, and crossed her arms. "What's worse, she got angry and blamed me for it."

Both Kylie and Sena eyes widened, and carried in shocked expressions. Joey understood it, she was shocked too and pissed. She liked Kayley, and didn't want to lose a good friend so easily. "We have to do something."

Kylie stood up, and began pacing around the room. "Yes, we could go to house. If his mother is there, we could say hello and invite ourselves. She probably wouldn't believe us though because he is a scary guy and she might not any of us in. Grim probably would just escape the house when we're too cause he probably didn't want to be- "

"No one cares about that," Joey interrupted. "We have to come up with a different plan ourselves."

Sena rested her fingers for a moment, and Joey was hoping the smart girl thought of something brilliant. When Sena finally nodded and smiled, Joey leaned forward eagerly. "What?"

"We have to split up to make this work. Me and Kylie will go to Kayley's house and get her. You will go to Grim's house, and get him. Well meet at my place, and make them hash things out there."

"I don't want to get him, he got me upset." Joey huffed, and crossed her arms. "It was his fault."

"Yeah, but you know him well better than any of us do."

Joey glared, but kept quiet. Sena was right, and that left her no choice. Kylie raised her eyebrows, and blinked. "Now?"

"Yeah, it was said years ago." Joey said bitterly, standing up.

Kylie glared at her in frustration, and Joey ignored it. She didn't care for sadness, it would only annoy her all the more. Joey held up a peace sign as she left the room. She ignored Kylie's puny warning to string her and continued walking without a word, bummed.

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