Chapter 10 (Right)

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Kayley sighed, Joey hasn't stop teasing her of Grim. When she thought she would lose Joey when she had a class to go to, sadly Joey had the same. So she came with her, the teacher was shocked. Joey waved it off, sitting in the back pulling Kayley to a seat beside her.

Kayley felt tortured. Some of the guys that knew Joey kept trying to start a conversation, but she too waved that off. Her undivided attention went to only Kayley.

Kayley was grateful to have Joey talk to her, but she didn't like the topic. Yet even if Joey knew that, she wouldn't care. She would torment Kayley for as long as she wanted, and Kayley would have to deal with the embarrassment.

She sighed sadly, knowing that Grim would never think if her that way. He was independent, and distant. There were no signs that he would ever have feelings for her anyway, but still. She wanted to be his best friend, just like the guys he hangs out with.

"Hey." Joey called, patting her shoulder.

Kayley looked over at her with a smile, even though she knew her face was the color of an apple. Joey smirked, taking out her phone and holding it out for Kayley to see.

Kayley frowned, they were text messages of Grim and Joey. She stared, interested. It said:

YOU: Hey Grim.

GRIM: Joey, hey.

YOU: How r u, bro?


YOU: Ik the girl u like.

GRIM: Who?

YOU: U no.

GRIM: I don't.

YOU: Well, come by the front doors after school you could meet her then.

GRIM: What makes u think I would go?

YOU: Cause u n I both no that u like her, n ur secretly hoping it's the one u expect. So, come. She'll be there cuz I forced her to.

Kayley blinked, looking at Joey with shock. She would've never thought that could happen, especially with the possibility that Grim may like her. She gasped, she didn't know what she would do if it ever did. Joey smiled, looking forward to pay attention to the teacher.

Kayley frowned, she didn't think that seemed right. Joey would ne- Joey must've realized what she was doing cause she made a disgusted face and began texting on her phone. Kayley snorted, that's what she expected.


Joey looked up at the teacher with an annoyance expression. The teacher gestured for the phone to be given to her, staring with a hard expression. Joey in response winked at Kayley, and got up with her bag over her back. 

She smiled at the teacher before leaving with a peace sign. "Deuces!"

The whole class laughed at the stunned face of the teacher looking in the direction Joey had left in, she continued teaching with a frown on her face. Kayley shook her head, she had a feeling she going to adore Joey.

When class ended, she smiled as many people greeted her. There were even a few guys who offered to walk her out, she didn't want that but politely said yes. Although she didn't really know them well, she felt like she had to let them. She couldn't say no, for some reason.

Kayley sighed as she walked with them, answering all their questions as best she could. They were dull, yet pleasant. Her eyes lit up when she saw Walter, he was walking with a glare on his face. She wondered what he was upset about this time. I'm gonna see.

She kindly excused herself, claiming she had to go meet up with a friend.They groaned, carrying sad faces. She gave an apologetic glance, and walked away from them. She waved hi at Walter, and he raised his eyebrows. 

"Why leave those guys?" He asked, pointing straight in their direction. "They look like they want to kill me."

Surprised, Kayley turned to see deathly glares in their direction. She smiled sweetly, grabbed Walter's arm, and walked away with him. He let her drag him away, otherwise she knew she would be pushed away.

"What's up?" She asked, hopeful for a conversation.

"Nothing. Just going home. School's over."

Kayley gasped, and she stopped  walking. She hadn't realized that, she wasn't thinking. And now Grim old probably be waiting at the front doors, hopefully waiting for her.

She looked at Walter's confused face. "Bye, I gotta go."


Joey sighed as she took another drag from the cigarette she held between her fingers.

She rarely smoke, but only did so when she felt like she needed to be relaxed. Especially with the hangover she has, it was killing her. Throbbing greatly in her head, she suddenly dreaded drinking. Yet, she knew that wasn't going to stop her.

Just as she puffed out the smoke, she saw someone very familiar come by. One she would rather not see. He glared over way, eyes filled with disdain. Joey honestly didn't care, she wasn't in the mood. She had banged her head against a locker today when she wanted to take a breather from walking, and has just been sulking since then. It hurt like hell.

He stopped in front of her, covering his nose immediately. Joey didn't care, the smoke was what she needed at this point.

"Stop smoking." He demanded.

"No." Joey answers simply, taking another drag right before his very eyes just to spite him. She's outside, minding her own business's for a reason.

Sean waved the smoke off when she puffed it out, glaring tremendously. Joey pointed to his lips, staring at them curiously. "Hey, I don't think I ever seen u smile."

Sean sighed, reaching for the cigarette in her mouth. She tried to wrench her head away in time, but he already grabbed it. He threw it to the floor, and stepped on it with the sole of his foot. Joey widened her mouth, as she glared at him.

"What the hell?"

Sean sat next to her on the concrete, glaring at her. "Do you want to die?"

Joey gave a short laugh, looking up at the clear blue sky. "If it means getting away from you, maybe." Ignoring the stares of people as they passed by, she looked back at him. He sighed, looking forward.

She frowned, he seemed tired...almost as if he's giving up on something. She didn't know if it was her, or not. But was interested to find out.

"You know," he started, still looking out, "for a person who wants to live her life to the fullest, you're doing a hell of good job on that."

She froze, almost speechless. He stood up, not even taking a glance to see her face, and began walking away. Jule was stunned, she hadn't even felt her mouth moving when she heard jet voice.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

He still didn't look back, but did answer. "Only what you think it means."

Then he left, leaving her still stunned. She began to feel something in her stomach, and immediately hated it. She hated him, and what he said.

Joey looked down at the smudged cigarette. "Cause he's right."

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