Chapter 11 (Sad)

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Kayley wiped the tears that were streaming down her face, she had to get out with a bright smile on her face. Especially in front of....

She began crying again, looking away from the mirror. The thought of what happened almost broke her heart. She didn't understand why she would cry for such a mere thing, but couldn't help it. Never again does she want to face Grim, it was horrendous.

School had ended, and she wanted to check out to see if Grim was waiting for her. It had turned out, he was waiting. But not for her. He was speaking to another girl, and they were speaking. Kayley didn't think it was a big deal, but it was what she saw next that shocked her to the core. Grim had smiled, and he wasn't even drunk. Kayley knew that girl has to be special, Grim smiled in front of her.

The only time he smiled at Kayley was when he was drunk, and for that girl was different. Suddenly, she shook her head. What she was doing was ridiculous, she should stop crying and go home. She was Grim's friend, and that was it. Nothing more. Once she felt like she had readjusted herself, she held her head up high as she walked out the bathroom with confidence.

Two steps in the hallway, she was fine.


"Oh my goodness," Kayley exclaimed as she turned around, "I'm so sorry. I d-"

She stopped talking, her hand flying to her mouth. It was Grim she'd bumped into. He was glaring, opening his mouth to speak. Kayley gave him no choice, she had already began running away.


She ignored that, still running. She thought that she could get over it, she really did. But, she couldn't. She figured she could ask, but she didn't want to be nosy. She had to accept the fact that another girl could make Grim smile so easily. It happens, and it was okay.

Though Kayley did not feel okay.


She heard footsteps behind her, and quickened her pace. She just wanted to go home, and sleep it off if possible. Hopefully focus on another game she could play with the girls tomorrow for the club, instead of her problems.

Abruptly, her back was slammed against the lockers. Kayley gasped as she stared at an enraged Grim entrapping her with his arms besides each of her sides. She never expected this to happen, and never wanted for it to happen. She wasn't even thinking of this!

"Why were you running from me?" He asked, angrily.

Kayley took a deep breath, she had to be calm. It was the only way she could get past this. "I'm late to go home. I have this thing with my pa- "

"Don't lie to me."

Kayley inhaled sharply, what she did wasn't nice. Feeling defeated, she confessed. "I'm sorry. I'm just upset."

Grim eyed her for several long moments, making the mood extremely awkward. Finally, he slowly put down his arms and stuffing his hands in his pocket. "Why? What happened?"

Kayley took a deep breath. Here it goes. "There was this guy I like. He's tough, and moody. Most people were scared of him, but I thought he was nice and amazing. He never smiles, always distant. I wanted to be his friend, if possible more. My friend figures out that I liked him, and she texts him to stay after school in front of the doors to wait and meet the girl that liked him and hopefully the one he liked to. I somehow thought it was me, so I ran to see him. Only to see he was speaking with another girl, and he was smiling. He'd never done that with me so easily, but she was different. I wasn't."

Kayley ran, leaving a very shocked Grim.

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