Chapter 16 (House)

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Kylie walked along the sidewalk, beside Sena. She was speaking about her past breakups with confidence. Sena would always nod, and respond with a yeah. For some reason, it always made Kylie feel like she wasn't listening.

Sena noticed the look on her face some point and gave brief summary of what she said. Kylie was amazed by the smart girl's memory, she explained everything. Though she was amazed, she wished Joey could listen to her at some point. In the end, that would only seem impossible.

"Hey," Kylie began, changing the subject, "do you know if Joey would kill me if I told her all about froyo? She said she loved ice cream and could make love to it if she wanted. I wanted to explain how froyo could be better, and I'll I could picture is her strangling my neck with a clenched fist."

Sena laughed, covering her mouth with a hand. "Not unless you offer her one."

Kylie nodded. "True, but she would just snatch it and avoid all possible conversation with me. She would probably know that I'll looking for a conversation if I gave something to her. It would be obvious, and typical. I-"

"Calm down. Speaking a little too fast. Tell her before offering it to her."

Kylie nodded. "That would be smart, but the melting..."

"Then tell her to come with you to buy it later."

Kylie nodded, and smiled. "Sounds cool, and I mean very cool. Joey may be nice, but I know she cares. Unlike some other people, who are douches who denies what they've done after getting sober. I mean, what the hell? I knew you didn't like me because of my chatter, but why kiss me in your car? You were drunk, and now you don't remember. Well guess what? You should have huge parts of that memory by now, it was really effective. I even have small bruise from it last night on lip! What the he-"

Kylie clamped her mouth shut before she shook her head rapidly. She realized she said too much, and was now afraid of Sena's reaction. When she slowly brought her gaze over to the smart girl, Sena held a straight face. It caused Kylie stare at the girl in confusion, knowing that had to be shocking.

Kylie continued to stare silently, waiting for a response. Sena finally offered one when she turned to Kylie with a smile. "You like Joey's best guy friend, Lyle."

Kylie looked away, and felt her face heated. It wasn't because of the thought of liking Lyle, it was the anger that began swarming through her body at mention of his name. She wanted to thump him upside the head, he deserved it. If she ever saw him again, she doesn't think she could her anger. 

Sena seemed to receive the wrong messaged, and nudged Kylie's elbow teasingly with her elbow. Kylie in return shook her head at Sena, and spoke coolly. "No, Sena. I'm just upset with him. He drunkenly kissed me for such a long time in my car, and seemed really into it. I kissed him to, and..." Kylie looked away, "I was too."

When Kylie looked back at Sena, she immediately regretted it. Sena was smiling with her mouth opened in shock. Kylie pursed her lips in sudden discomfort of the topic, and waved it off. "Forget it. It doesn't matter anyway, right?"

Sena seemed oblivious to Kylie's discomfort because she continued to speak about it. "Joey's going to kill you."

Kylie gasped, and clapped a hand over her mouth. She hadn't thought of Joey once in this situation, an Lyle was practically her best friend. Kylie gasped again, clapping her other hand over her mouth. Sena was right, Joey was going to kill her. 

Kylie turned her worried eyes to Sena's direction, widening her eyes. "How do you think she's going to do it?"

Sena laughed, and looked ahead. "Who knows?"

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