Chapter 19 (More)

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Sena smiled as she opened her locker, grateful. She had gotten a perfect score on her recent test, and she loved it. Everyone in her class knew that she had a perfect score, they weren't surprised in the least. Sena wasn't surprised either, but it really did make her happy. She had this urge to tell Jake, but she knew that it would be bragging. In other people's eyes.

She placed the paper in her folder on top of the other perfect scores of tests she received from her AP class and took out a few books she knew she needed for next period.

She stopped herself from grabbing the last book because she felt a wet kiss on her cheek just then. She turned her gaze to the left, and Jake was waving as he walked away from her. She frowned, not understanding why he wasn't stopping. He seemed to notice that and explained quickly before he disappeared completely.

"Gotta run to a teacher, but I will definitely see you at lunch."

Sena nodded, smiling happily. She waved before she could no longer see him anymore. He only winked before he turned his whole body around and left. She figured he was going to see the Phys. Ed teacher. Also known as Coach G.

She didn't know what for, but she figured she could ask about that later. She grabbed her last book and closed her locker. When she turned around, she almost screamed at a sight in front of her. She was shocked, more than shocked by what she was seeing front of her.

Kylie. She was running as fast as she could, dragging a cart of new water bottles behind her. The cart was tilted so that the waters were falling to the floor. Ones that Sena figured could trip anyone who walked by. Kylie was breathless, she was panicked. Sena didn't know what was going on, but she could tell it was serious. Everyone stared at Kylie like she was crazy, especially if they knew the type of person she usually was.

When Kylie saw Sena, she looked back before stopping in front of her. She struggled to say words, but she did anyway. Quickly.


Sena immediately knew what that meant. Kylie was busted.

"How?" She asked, circulating her gaze around the poor girl.

Too late. Kylie was already up and leaving again. Sena stared with wide eyes as Kylie ran as fast as she did before within seconds. It wasn't long after that when Joey came right behind, avoiding the water bottles. It hardly slowed her down, so she was right on Kylie's tail.

Sena figured she could try and help save Kylie, but that wasn't possible. Joey wouldn't stop for her. Joey would only run after what she wanted. And she wanted Kylie. Dead.

Sena knew this was going to happen. It was obvious. Lyle was Joey's best guy friend, and so he was off limits. Still, Kylie and him kissed. So...that's what caused Kylie to possible die by the hand of an angry girl.

"Kylie, you chatting prick!"

Sena blinked when Joey hollered those words. The girl was definitely pissed. All of the eyes that were on them were now on Sena, and she no choice but to look away. She told Kylie she wasn't part of this, and she planned to keep it that way.

Sena moved to walk away, sighing. She stopped for the second time today when she saw a blond guy walking by. His hands were stuffed his pockets, and his eyes were down. He looked miserable in some way.

She took the liberty of tapping his shoulder, wondering if he was who she thought he was. He stopped walking when he felt her touch, and he looked up at her face. He was squinting his brown eyes at her face, instantly possibly wondering who she was.

Of it all, it was exactly who Sena thought it was. "Lyle?"

Lyle nodded. "Yeah, and you're that pretty chick from that other day when we got drunk."

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