Chapter 13 (Angry)

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"What the hell did you do, Grim?!"

Sean, and Grim turned their heads as Joey marched angrily towards their direction. She stopped in front of them, glaring at Grim. He seemed to notice why, cause his head bent down as if he were ashamed.

This caused attention around the hallways, many people stopped walking and stared. They stared, waiting for what would happen next. Joey felt her teeth grind, she was undoubtedly irritated.

Turing around, she looked at all of them. "Mind your damn business!"

They started moving again, some more hurriedly than others. With a deep breath taken, she looked back at Grim.

"What's going on?" Sean asked, reaching for Joey, in order to get her attention.

Joey wrenched her arm away, still glaring at Grim. "Someone snapped at me today, claiming her heartbreak was my fault! And trust me, it was shocking. She doesn't seem like the type to show any bit of anger, but it's when she sees you talking and smiling with another girl, that's when she flips. You got her upset, and now she refuses to come to school. I mean that's not like her, it's like me! You're going to fix this, Grim."

Grim looked up, but didn't meet Joey's eyes. "I know, but I don't think she wants to see me."

"I don't care. This," Joey waved her hands in a circular motion of his whole body frame, "is all you."

Grim nodded, but kept quiet. Joey hated this, Kayley had actually snapped at her. It seemed to impossible, the girl was so sweet. The fact her heart was broken by something she probably didn't know what was going on, made no sense.
Joey felt as if she could've confronted Grim, that'd that way she would know the answers to the problem. The guy looks freaking scary, it would be a miracle to get him to smile, even just a bit. But...there had to be a good explanation.

She looked over at Sean, he glaring at her. She tsked, and looked away. She didn't care about his glare, but was in his eyes as he did so. Hatred, respect, and mere interest. She hated it, hated him. Yesterday, he made a point.  But still took something that was valuable to her.

You know what? That's what she needed right now, a good smoke.

"No, you don't."

She looked at Sean, he was staring at her knowingly. She wondered eyes, wondering if he could read minds, or something. She wanted to check.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"You're going for a smoke, well it's not going to happen."

Joey gave short laugh. "What makes you think you can control that? Besides, how did you know?"

Sean sighed, kneading his temple with the tip of fingers as if he had a headache. Joey waited, she would've cared for his headache if she actually liked him. "You have the same look on your face when you were smoking yesterday. It's not going to happen again."

Joey slowly stepper forward, and poked his chest. "Well Serious, watch me."

With that, Joey took out her pack of cigarettes in her bag and lighter. She lifted it, gloating it in Sean's face. But she did so with a good distance, knowing well he would probably snatch it. She raised her eyebrows at him, daring him to say something. He didn't, he only glared.

Joey in return shrugged, whirled herself around, and began to walk away. Classes would start in six minutes, and she wanted to get a good smoke for two.

Just before she would've turned around a corner, she glanced back at Grim. He nodded, solemn. Joey nodded herself, turning her gaze over to Sean for a brief second before walking away again. His eyes, she saw disdain.

That didn't bother her, it never did. No, it was it was how she get after looking at him once again. Now that, bothered her.

She got out the back doors of the school, immediately felt the wind swept past her. She sat down on the steps, looking around the vacant space. No one was in sight. She pulled out a cigarette, lit it up and took a drag. Smoking wasn't good, she knew that. It wasn't an addiction, just a rare occasion for relaxation.

Still, Sean...

She shook her head, blowing out the smoke. "Boys suck."

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