It's true!

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I missed LA. I didn't miss the paparazzi, though. They were snapping away. Oh, I don't want my child in this type of environment. Blake put our luggage in the back of DJ's truck and we got in the back. "How was the honeymoon, lovebirds?" He said and made kissy noises. I laughed and said, "It went fantastic. Well, I have a lot to tell you, though." He looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Not like that. You get on my nerves." We all laughed and kept talking. I really wanted to tell him right there that I was pregnant. But, we're planning on having dinner tonight with our friends. I'm a little eager, but nervous.


As I was getting dressed, Blake came into the room with flowers. I smiled and took them from his hands. "Thank you, babe." He kissed me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I can't believe you're having my baby, though. I'm so excited. I wonder who it's gonna look like." I hope our baby has his freckles and eyes. Oh god. That child is gonna be perfect. A combination of the both of us. Such an odd mix, though.


We were all eating and laughing, talking about our own relationships. I missed these guys. But, I think we're ready to reveal our news. I looked at Blake and slipped my hand in his. He kissed it softly and asked me softly if I was ready. I nodded my head yes and got the attention of the table. "Um, you guys. Blake and I have some really good news." Blake excitedly said, "We're pregnant!!" Everyone started cheering and congratulating us. I was attacked with hugs from our amazing friends. This went better than I thought it would. I just wish my brother could have been here to hear this.


Later on that night, it was just the two of us. He was on his iPad, reading pregnancy articles. I thought it was the cutest thing. "Babe, what are you reading?" He looked up and said, "A little something about babies. I just want to know what's going on in that little belly of yours." I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I'm about to go to bed, baby. Don't forget about Duke and Chaney. I want them in our room, because they bark like maniacs in the morning." He nodded his head and said goodnight. "Blake, you need to come to bed soon. You have your first practice for playoffs tomorrow." He nodded his head again and continued to read. I playfully rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. When I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I looked in the mirror at first. I smiled and placed my hands over my growing tummy. "Ha. I'm a mommy. How exciting." I chuckled at my own comment and brushed my teeth. Once I was finished, I went to lay down. My back was hurting, so I kept moving around until I felt comfortable. God, this is only the beginning. How am I gonna deal with this for the next couple of months? Blegh.


Awe, she's having a baby! How excited are you? You know I'm eager! I hope you like it so far, thanks so much. 😘

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