Baby, baby? (15-20 weeks)

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I had an appointment today and Blake was able to join me! We were sitting in the room, patiently and eagerly waiting. I'm a little bigger for fifteen weeks, but that happens. Doctor Glass walked in with my chart. "Mr. & Mrs. Griffin! Lovely to see you!" She chirped and shook our hands. Alright, time to check out our baby. I laid back and lifted up my shirt. She squeezed the gel onto my stomach and the butterflies formed in my stomach. Or maybe that's the baby. My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor starting the ultrasound. Blake looked closely at the screen, amazed. "Aha! You're having twins!" I immediately erupted into happy tears! Blake towered over me and kissed my forehead. "Congratulations! Being a mother of five, I know how exciting it is being a mommy for the first time." She wiped the gel off with a wet napkin and tossed it in the trash. She shook our hands again and smiled at us before walking out of the room. I looked at Blake and cried again. He pulled me into a tight hug. "We're having two babies. I'm so excited." He said and I looked down at my stomach, smiling. "Okay. Okay. Now, I know our parents are gonna cry and freak out. I'm too excited right now!" We walked out the room and scheduled another appointment with our doctor for the next month.


Well, our family took the news extremely well. My mom cried for only thirty minutes and Gail only cried for twenty. Better than we expected. Today makes me twenty weeks along. We find out the sex of our babies. I wanted it to be a surprise, but screw it!! These are my first babies! We were waiting to be called when Blake got a phone call. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and walked outside. Hmm. A cute nurse walked out and called my name. I stood up, struggling. I followed closely behind and let me tell you: I did NOT want to step on that scale. I closed my eyes as the machine of self-esteem beeped. 140 pounds? If it's healthy for my children, then I don't care. We reached the room and Blake surprised me by wrapping his arms around me. "Dear God. You scared me, Blake." He rubbed my stomach and apologized. I laid down on the bed and relaxed. The nurse asked questions. Eh, the usual. She stepped out and Doctor Glass walked in about five minutes later. Oh, god. What are we having?


After going through a box of tissues, I finally pulled myself together. We're having a boy & a girl!!! I'm too excited right now! I called my mom & Brad while Blake called his parents. My mom almost fainted. To tell you the truth, I feel like this is a dream. This is the happiest I've been in a long time. Of course, being with Blake has been great, but now I'm having our babies. Wow, I'm a momma. Soon to be mommy.


A little short, but I think it's good. Thanks for the support! 😘

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