No other love

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Today, DJ and I went to a party planner to start planning the twins' birthday. It's crazy knowing that they're turning one! Time flies by so fast. "So, what do you think so far?" DJ shook me out of my thoughts and I looked at him. "What?" He laughed and repeated his question. "It's coming along great! They're gonna love their cake. It's super cute!" He looked at me and chuckled. "Cute? Since when is a cake cute?" I squeezed his hand hard and he squealed. I laughed so hard, I'm pretty sure people around thought I was insane. Once I thought, we were safe, I was wrong. A bunch of paps showed up and amushed us. "Ana, how do you feel about Blake and Brynn getting engaged?" "Ana, are you pregnant?" "DeAndre, congrats on the new woman She's stunning! We miss you back in LA!" DJ responded and we continued to walk to the truck. He opened my door and helped me in and made his was to the driver's side. "It's not that bad anymore. It was terrible back in LA. I don't miss that corrupt city at all." He nodded and we pulled of, heading home.


"Babies, where are you?" I walked into the living room and they were crawling around in circles, which was pretty entertaining to watch. They looked in my direction and quickly raced over to me. That made my heart melt. I kneeled down to kiss them both and they pretty much knocked me down. "Awwwwwwww! Look at my babies." DJ walked in and gave the babysitter her money. She said her goodbyes and left. "I actually like her. She's a complete sweetheart." He nodded his head and sat down on the couch, looking at me. "It's been a long day. We were out for almost 7 hours. I'm beat." I agreed and headed to run the bath water for the twins. DJ got their pajamas laid out on the bed and plugged in their nightlights. I turned around and they were standing there, ready for their bath. I laughed and put them in the tub. They are the cutest kids in the world, I swear.


We put the kids to bed and put on a cd. You guessed it. Faith Evans' first album. We had champagne and talked. We talked about the future and the twins. "I feel like they're my children now. I wouldn't be surprised if they called me 'dada' soon." I sighed and took another sip. He has a point. I wouldn't mind, because he's so good with them. "I honestly wouldn't mind it. You're a great guy and you're like putty in their little hands. God, it's so cute." He smiled and kissed me. "I love you, Ann." I chuckled and kissed him back. "I love you too, Dre." We continued to cuddle and listen to Faith's beautiful voice put us in the mood.

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