Love hurts

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I felt lips on mine, so I slightly opened my eyes and felt my heart flutter when I saw my gorgeous husband. I kissed back and he placed his hands on my face.

"Good morning to you, too." I smiled and kissed him again with force.

"I missed your touch, Blake." I bit my lip and sat up.

"I love you and I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm sorry for putting the babies in danger." He shook his head and sat up as well.

"You're okay now and that's all that matters, babe." He grabbed my left hand and played with my ring.

"I love you, Ana." I smiled and leaned into kiss him.

"I love you more, Blake." I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Blake walked in and watched me as I peed.

"Okay, creep, I understand you missed me. I get it." I wiped and stood up to flush the toilet. "I just missed hearing you pee."

I erupted into laughter and gave him a hug.

"So, what do you have planned for today?" He shook his head and looked into my eyes. "I want to spend time with you, dummy. Duh."

I rolled my eyes playfully and squeezed him tighter. "Well, what do you want to do, then?"

"I want to romance you. Dinner, dessert, more dessert, and some mo' dessert."

I nodded with a laugh and let him kiss me again. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Good. Our reservations are at 6:30. I'm not telling you where, though."

I groaned and he kissed me to keep me quiet.

"Fine. You win." I wrapped my arms around his waist and he placed his hands on my face.

"I do win." He pressed on my cheeks and I poked out my lips, making him give me a kiss.


"Blake! Oh my god, babe!" I closed my eyes and panted as he laid down beside me, pulling me into his arms.

"Well? How was that?" I gave him a thumbs up and exhaled slowly. "Six orgasms within three hours. That's pretty good." He laughed and I couldn't help but to stare.

"Blake, you're so perfect." He leaned forward to kiss me and I didn't fight the smile forming on my face once he pulled away.

"No, babe, you're perfect. I missed everything about you. I was so lost without you. Don't leave me again." I nodded and sighed sadly.

"I won't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for scaring you like that and for putting our children in danger." He shook his head and placed his hand on my cheek.

"You guys are safe now. That's all that's matter, baby."

I leaned in for another kiss and he pulled me closer. I placed my hands on his face and deepened the passionate kiss.

"I love you, Blake."

He smiled and kissed me back even harder, pulling me on top of him.

"I love you more, Ana." I pulled back to stare at his face. I smiled sadly and caressed his cheek with my thumb.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when you woke up. I wanted to cry, hoot, and dry hump you all at one time." I laughed loudly, causing him to smile.

"But, seriously, I couldn't believe it. They were afraid you weren't gonna make it. I was scared and I did something." He looked a bit guilty and I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Blake, what did you do?" I moved away from him and looked at my feet.

"I made a new friend and we got close. I don't regret it, but.."

I sighed and immediately felt heartbroken.

"What, Blake? Did you do something, Blake!?" I faced him and my eyes got wide from anger.

"If you don't fucking talk, I'm gonna slap it out of you." He messed with his fingers and sighed quietly.

"I was lonely. I didn't mean for it to happen. One night, she came over to help with the twins and we started talking about you. I started crying and she comforted me."

I bit my trembling bottom lip and held back my tears. "When did this happen and how many times did this happen?"

"It started a few weeks after the accident and I can't keep count, to be completely honest."

I immediately started crying and covered my face in embarrassment.

"How could you!? I was fighting for my life in there and all you cared about was getting your dick wet! Fuck you, Blake! Fuck you! I tried to forget about Carley, but I can't get that red headed bitch out of my fucking head! You hurt me, Blake! I forgave you, though. I knew this was a mistake." I got out of bed and slipped on my bra, underwear and walked into my closet to find something.

"Ana, please don't do this." I shook my head and furiously packed a small bag full of clothes.

I looked back at him and shook my head. "Blake, you did this. It was only a matter of time."

I sighed sadly and stopped packing my stuff. "Look, honey. We just need some time to breathe. You're obviously confused. You can't have your cake and eat it too, babe. I'm giving you a few days. I'm not leaving the house. I'm just moving down the hall."

"Then, why do you have that bag?" I dumped it out and shrugged.

"I don't know." I rested my hand on my forehead and felt him approach me.

"Don't touch me. I'm still mad at you. I'm actually pissed." I walked out and slipped on my robe before leaving the room with Blake close behind me.

I opened the door to the twins' room and instantly smiled when I noticed they were awake.

I picked up Jason and kissed his cheeks repeatedly, causing him to smile at me.

"He's so cute with his two teeth. He's gonna be a lady killer once they all start growing in, though." I softly laughed at Blake's comment and watched him rock Emma slowly.

"Let's go feed them. I'm sure they're hungry." He nodded and followed me downstairs to the kitchen.

Blake placed Emma in her swing and maneuvered around the kitchen swiftly, making their bottles in an instant.

"Wow, Blake. I'm impressed." He looked at me with a slight smile and handed me a bottle to feed Jason.

"Thanks to Brynn." I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he cringed to himself.

"Yeah, you messed up. Blake, you're sick." I rolled my eyes and looked down at my baby and then it clicked..

"You bastard. Matt's ex? You slept with Brynn Cameron? Brynn? The mother of my god son?" I tried to stay as calm as possible, because I didn't want to upset the babies.

He sighed and continued to walk around with Emma. That confirms it.

I'm gonna kill both of them.

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