First day in Greenbay!

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I woke up in Clay's huge bed alone and confused. I sat up and noticed a letter and a red rose on his pillow. I smiled to myself and read the letter out loud. "Good morning, beautiful! I'm sure you got some rest last night, because you had quite the workout. ;) I already fed Jason and Emma, gave them baths, and dressed them in their new Packers gear! I just want you to relax until it's time to go, so I hired someone to pretty much pamper you today. So, you're not gonna lift a finger! Just call out my name and I'll bring up your breakfast. Go ahead." I put the letter down and called out his name. He came in about 20 seconds later with french toast, turkey bacon, jelly toast, and champagne. I'm so not used to this, so I didn't know how to react. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Thank you, babe. You didn't have to do this." He shrugged and sat in bed with me. "So, are you okay? How was your first night in my bed? I told you it was comfortable." I nodded and high fived him. "You weren't lying about that. It's like a damn cloud. I need a mattress like this back home." He smiled and gave me a forkful of french toast. I closed my eyes and moaned. "It's so good. I just might have an orgasm." He almost choked on the toast and laughed. I leaned over towards and kissed him softly. "I've been craving for those lips since last night. I love you." He stuck his tongue out and I licked it. "I love you too." He bit his lip and gave me a open mouth kiss. "To be honest, I've never been this affectionate or sexual with anyone. Even though we were married, we weren't kissing like how you kiss me. You kiss me with so much passion and love. I've honestly never felt this way." He rubbed my hand and kissed me again. I swear, his kisses send waves through my body. "Don't worry about anything. I'm here to stay. And I want you to know that I actually care. Okay?" I nodded and smiled slightly.


Well, it's time for the Packers to face the 'Skins. I'm not a fan of the Redskins, but I like the intensity they play with. Clay surprised me with another surprise by flying Britney out! I was really excited to see her, because I wanted her to enjoy this with me! "I'm so glad you're here! I appreciate you coming out to be here with us." She smiled and gave me a side hug. "I was surprised when Clay called me after their birthday party! I was so confused until he told why he wanted me to come out here. I didn't want to interrupt your personal and intimate time." She looked a little bummed, but she managed to smile. "I kinda have something to tell you. It's a super secret." I moved in close to her face and smiled. "I'm dating Colin now. We went out on a lunch date yesterday and he asked me to be his girlfriend! Did you see him yesterday?" I nodded slowly and then I nodded quickly once I remembered. "You two were together the whole time. I didn't even realize it. Awwww, that's so cute! We should go on a double date soon!" She nodded excitedly and clapped quickly.


The Packers beat the Redskins, 38-20!! It was exciting to be at one of his home games and it made it even better knowing that he won! Since he had to stay back for post game interviews, we went back to his house and lounged in the living room while the twins played with their gifts from Clay. They were the cutest Puppy Push toys to help with their walking ability. Brit's phone buzzed and she squealed happily, standing up. "I'm gonna take this outside! It's my daddy!" I laughed at her eagerness and continued to flip through channels, desperate to find any other game on. I heard the front door open and a bag drop down. "Is that you, Clay?" "Yeah, babe." He walked over to Emma and kissed her forehead, same with Jason. Then he came over and laid on top of me. "Great game, baby. I'm so proud of you." He smiled before kissing me passionately. "Thank you. I played hard just for you." He winked and kissed my neck softly. Jason walked over to us and tugged on Clay's shirt. "What's up, little man?" He reached his arms out to be picked up. Clay sat up and put him on his lap. "I think he's tired, babe." "You know, it's almost time for their nap. I'll grab Emma. But, I don't think she wants to go to bed. She loves her gift." She looked up at us and smiled. "Come on, baby. Let's go lay down." She reached up for me and we went to put them down for their nap.


Britney went downstairs to the indoor pool while Clay and I were in the tub. "I can tell you like this. We haven't been together that long, but I can tell you actually love me. And I love you just as much. You just don't know." He ran his finger along my collarbone and kissed my cheek. "I love you too. I really like being with you here, but everything's back in San Francisco. I mean, I could transfer. I'm a Sports and Entertainment Marketer, so I could work with your team." He flipped me over and kissed me hard. I laughed at how silly and eager he got, which made me fall even harder for him. "I'm sure they would let you leave. I mean, I can pull some strings." He winked and nudged my side. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed deeply. "Babe, I have a question. Could you see yourself getting married again? And having more children?" I looked at him and sighed again. "I'm just afraid of having my heartbroken again. I gave that man every ounce of me and then he treats me like crap. I've never felt so empty before." I rested my head back on his shoulder and played with the bubbles. "Just know that I love you and I won't hurt you. You've been hurt so many times, yet you keep giving people chances. You just want to be with your soulmate. But, guess what? You can't force it! It'll come to you. Who knows, he could be right beside you." I started to cry softly and he pulled me closer. "I love you, Clay. I really do. You make me feel so good and alive. I need you in my life. Trust me, you're perfect. I would marry you. If you asked me tomorrow, next week or next month, I would say yes." He looked at me and kissed me passionately while rubbing my thigh. "Want to get out and take it to the bed?" He nodded and I got out first to dry my body so I wouldn't soak the bed. I lit the candles on the nightstands and turned off the lights. Once I got in bed, he walked out looking like a freaking sex god. I moaned before he even touched me. "Hurry up, Clay! I'm so freaking horny." He climbed on top of me and kissed me with such love and passion. But, we had to keep it down.

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