Dinner with the Matthews

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Clay and I decided to treat our wedding guest to a dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. He was going to pay for it, like the gentleman he is. "Babe, let's go! Everyone is waiting on us." "Now, just wait a minute. Help me with this." I walked downstairs and he smiled really hard. "You look stunning. Oh my gosh." I kissed him, handed him my mom's pearl necklace, and turned around. He slowly snapped the clasp and kissed my neck. "You smell really good." I laughed and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You look really good." "Only for my future wife." He escorted me to the truck and helped me in. "I got it, Clay. I don't need help with my seatbelt." I laughed and he went to the driver's side. "Are we ready to go?" I nodded and he drove off to the dinner party.


We had the whole place to ourselves, so we walked around to greet his family and our friends. I felt Emma and Jason holding onto my legs, so I picked them up and kissed them both. "How are my babies? I missed you guys today." They rested their heads on my shoulders as I walked over to talk to Clay Jr. and some of Clay's teammates. "Hey there, gorgeous!" They gave me hugs and we small talked until it was time to sit. There was a table just for the children right across from us. I just wanted to keep a close eye on them. I felt the baby moving, so I placed Clay's and his dad's hands on my belly. "My grandchild. Ana, why did you do this to me?" I smiled and touched his hand. "I just wanted you to feel your grandchild. I know this is so important to you." He nodded and kissed my cheek. "I hope it's a girl." "AHA! Told you!" Clay shook his head and kissed me. "I love you. And I can't wait to make you Mrs. Clay Matthews III." I kissed him again and rested my forehead on his. All of a sudden, we heard everyone cooing over us. Clay started blushing and kissed my cheek. Our food arrived about a minute later and we feasted.


Everyone stayed for dessert and socialized some more. "Clay, your family-I can't deal with them." He laughed and took a sip of his drink. "They're definitely crazy. I know." "I never really had a close family, so this is all new to me. Thank you. I've never felt so loved before." I kissed his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. Clay Jr. stood up, about to propose a toast. "I just wanted to express how much I love this couple right here before we leave. She's made him so happy these last couple of months and she's about to give me my first grandchild. I hope it's a girl." He gave me a high five and hooted, which caused everyone to laugh. "It's an honor to be able to walk this beauty down the aisle. I'm proud of Clay, because he definitely chose the right one. My boy, she has a heart of gold and I see that you really love her. It really makes me proud to see that you're taking care of your family." I kissed Clay on his cheek and looked at him as he proudly watched his dad. "Ana, you make my son happy. But, all I really care about are the babies. Those babies over there are Clay's world and we love them. They truly are great kids." I looked over at Jason and Emma as they were eating. "But, I'm gonna shut up now. I want to save some words for the reception. Drive safely and I love every single one of you." Everyone said their goodbyes before leaving. "Thank you, dad. That was really incredible." I kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Anything for my daughter-in-law. I love you guys." "We love you too!" Clay and I took the very sleepy babies and put them in the truck. He helped me in and got in the driver seat. "I'm glad they're coming home with us tonight. I missed them." I looked back and heard their soft snores. "I think they're sleep." I leaned over the arm rest and kissed his cheek. "Well, if they're sleep, you know what that means?" I squealed and kissed his cheek again. "I guess we're having mommy/daddy time tonight." He hooted and kept his eyes on the road. "You know, I really love your family. They are the best." "They love you even more. They were telling me about how beautiful you are and how sweet you are. I mean, you are definitely an angel." "Awww! That's so sweet!" He pulled into the driveway and carefully took Emma out of her carseat as I took Jason. We changed them into their pajamas and laid them down. We went to our room and he took my necklace and dress off for me. "Today was perfect. That was a great idea." I walked into the closet and put on a Packers shirt. He took his dress shirt and pants off and climbed into bed. "Come on, baby. I don't know why you put a shirt on. It's coming off either way." I closed the closet door behind me and jumped on top of him. "Is this what you want?" He nodded and kissed me softly. "We get married in two days. You know, this is our last night together until we're married." "Ana Matthews. That has a nice ring to it." I nodded and kissed his neck. "Wait, Ana Monroe-Matthews or just Ana Matthews?" "Ana Monroe Matthews. I'm legally changing my middle name to Monroe." "Like Khloe did?" I nodded and started to tie my hair up. "I want to cut my hair. Like shoulder length." He shook his head and groaned. "Don't cut it. I love it this way." "I mean, there's only room for one person in this relationship to have long hair. And your hair is your trademark." "But, your hair is just perfect. Don't do anything to it." I sighed and rested my head on his chest. "Okay. I won't do anything to it." "Good. I wouldn't be happy about that." I laughed and kissed him. "What were we supposed to be doing?" He flipped me over and started sucking on my neck, leaving a hickie. "Clay, don't leave behind-Oh, do whatever you want to me. Oh, god."

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